almost saves but now says there is not enough space.
it creates the folder SAVEDATA\ULUS10450STORE.000 and file 00000000 on the hard drive.
when i restart the game it says load failed data corrupted and has the name Error for that profile name.
almost saves but now says there is not enough space.
it creates the folder SAVEDATA\ULUS10450STORE.000 and file 00000000 on the hard drive.
when i restart the game it says load failed data corrupted and has the name Error for that profile name.
0 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetVoice: sasCore=0x08bec300, voice=7, vagAddr=0x09240310, size=0x00000430, loopmode=0
2 [main] WARN hle - IGNORING: __sceSasSetADSR sasCore=08bec300, voice=7 0000000f 40000000 00000000 00000000 10000000
3 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x0001
29 [main] ERROR hle - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
29 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x0001
30 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x0001
30 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x02e7
31 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x02e7
10511 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetVoice: sasCore=0x08bec300, voice=9, vagAddr=0x08db1460, size=0x00000380, loopmode=0
10512 [main] WARN hle - IGNORING: __sceSasSetADSR sasCore=08bec300, voice=9 0000000f 40000000 00000000 00000000 10000000
10512 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=9, pitch=0x0001
10513 [main] ERROR hle - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
10513 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=9, pitch=0x0001
10514 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=9, pitch=0x0001
10514 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=9, pitch=0x02e7
10514 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=9, pitch=0x02e7
10985 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetVoice: sasCore=0x08bec300, voice=7, vagAddr=0x09240310, size=0x00000430, loopmode=0
10986 [main] WARN hle - IGNORING: __sceSasSetADSR sasCore=08bec300, voice=7 0000000f 40000000 00000000 00000000 10000000
10986 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x0001
10986 [main] ERROR hle - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
10987 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x0001
10987 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x0001
10987 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x02e7
10988 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL __sceSasSetPitch: sasCore=08bec300, voice=7, pitch=0x02e7
11100 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL:sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x09511A30, mode=11, gameName=ULUS10450, saveName=STORE.000, fileName=00000000
11383 [main] INFO hle - PARTIAL:sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x09511A30, mode=22, gameName=ULUS10450, saveName=STORE.000, fileName=00000000
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