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Dangan-Ronpa 1 PSP The Best Ver / NPJH50515
Bumping this because the translation patch for this game has been released today, so there's bound to be people looking for information.

I'm using build 3248 right now, and the game runs mostly alright, but it has some audio issues. Basically, the music will play properly for a while, but every now and then it'll seem like it 'lags', except there's no framerate drop, it's something that happens exclusively to the audio.

This, by itself, wouldn't be much of an issue, but it seems to create another problem. A bit after you leave the first room and find other characters, people will start talking to each other. This game has some voice clips, and from time to time, when a new dialogue box shows up, it'll stay blank for about 10-15 seconds, as if the emulator was trying to load a voice clip. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but it 'unstucks' itself about at the same time as when the music issue described above happens.

I'm not able to determine if it ALWAYS happens to the same lines by the same characters, but from testing it does seem to be the case.

Messing with the audio options didn't do a lot of good. Disabling audio threads makes the game not start at all, whereas disabling audio blocking will get rid of the breaks, but make it so that random sfx start playing out of time. It also breaks the background music -- even if a track was supposed to stop playing after a certain scene, it'll keep looping the same music forever until you reset the game.

P.S: If I need to provide a log or something, I'm open to trying to help. It's just I have no knowledge of how to do it, so any sort of explanation would be more than welcome.
Yeah, i can confirm this happening as well. It seems to be a sound problem exclusively, since, like burucchi said, when the bgm hiccup happens the game unstucks itself.
Also, from my experience, if you fast forward the text it won't give the game enough time to load the voice clips and therefore won't freeze.
I've confirmed. The issue is related to sound, most likely a desync in voiced lines.

I'm already at chapter 3 and everytime during Non-Stop Debates, the game freezes for a small while after succesfully shooting down and refuting a contradiction. During the freeze it shows the usual symptoms, the BGM hiccups and the game defreezes but it also plays all the voiced lines that should've played before.

I've also noticed that when this happens under normal dialogue, the game plays a voiced line that hasn't played before and then plays the proper one.

This is a largely untested solution but it seems to have worked: setting frameskip to 60 FPS. It may have been just a fluke, I just tried the game in a very weak PC and set clock speed to 300% and frameskip to 60 FPS just to get decent speed and I noticed the game wasn't freezing during voiced lines anymore.

If anyone wants to test further, be my guest.
My PC specs:
-AMD Phenom II X2 560 (2 CPU @ ~3.3GHz)
-4096 MB RAM
-NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 (1 GB)
-Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits.
I've just tried your solution, but to no avail. Text boxes will usually hang only when initiating a conversation with another person, or if in mid-conversation, it switches to a different character. BGM lag persists. I tried 60 FPS alone and 300% clock speed alone and both of them together, all produce the same result (or lack thereof).

It definitely is a hassle during the Non-Stop Debates; I only just beat Chapter 1 after taking almost an hour to get through the entire Class Trial.
I can also confirm that text hangs sometimes. It's kind of a major problem, since this game has quite a lot of dialog.

At least investigating works, unlike PPSSPP.
Use 3081 version if you don't want hang ups... And investigation mode works in PPSSPP, change "FramebuffersToMem = False" to "True" in ppsspp.ini and check "buffered rendering" in options.
Starting at chapter 2 JPCSP freezes when entering investigation mode(see error logs). I can avoid error by enabling "Save GE screen to Textures instead of Memory" but then I can't interact with investigation points except when i enable software rendering which glitches graphics.

Is it possible to have interactive investigation mode with Ge to textures and no software rendering? Or another way of fixing/bypassing errors?

Thanks in advance.

If you want more detailed logs please leave instructions on which logger settings I should use.

Using version NPJH50515

Attached Files
.txt   3081ErrorLog.txt (Size: 1.29 KB / Downloads: 79)
.txt   3276ErrorLog.txt (Size: 2.82 KB / Downloads: 86)
Please generate logs at INFO level (see my signature).
Also disable the option "Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance)" if you have enabled it.

Always include a complete log file at INFO level in your reports. Thanks! How to post a log
(07-02-2013, 02:33 PM)gid15 Wrote: Please generate logs at INFO level (see my signature).
Also disable the option "Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance)" if you have enabled it.


AMD Phenom x4
GeForce GT 640
4gb RAM

Problem may have been caused when I activated install data. It failed and some time after I encountered that error. Deleting NPJH50515INST in savedata dir got rid of the warning but error persists.

Attached Files
.7z   3284Log.7z (Size: 3.31 KB / Downloads: 105)
(07-01-2013, 11:14 AM)MOHlt Wrote: Use 3081 version if you don't want hang ups... And investigation mode works in PPSSPP, change "FramebuffersToMem = False" to "True" in ppsspp.ini and check "buffered rendering" in options.

not true for AMD GPUs, only Nvidia.

but, using CPUConvert = True in conjunction with that had reports of investigation working on AMD, and that's what I'll try next.

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