![[Image: pcsx2.png]](https://www.emunewz.net/forum/images/emuwiki/pcsx2.png)
PCSX2 is one of my favorite emulators of all time. Emulating the PS2 is to this day a non-trivial computational set of tasks. However PCSX2 has made beyond impressive leaps in it's performance over the years. I have downloaded loads and loads of versions and nightly builds of this fantastic emulator over the (more than) 20 years of it's development and my first go-to game to test this beast of an emu is always Final Fantasy X. I have watched the intro of this game roughly a trillion times while testing various settings and plugins. The intro music is so deep in my head that I was compelled to learn the damned piece on the piano. I absolutely love this emulator and it's always the first thing I run on every new computer I get my hands on.
Enjoy responsibly and please support this awesome project every way you can!
PCSX2 Official site
PCSX2 Official Github page
Official PCSX2 forum