Thanks shadow

Have you figured it out yet Shadow?
i haven't forgot it just being a bit busy lately. Can you tell me the discid's of the games ? it will be more useful

okay thanks shadow just got around doing it today, will do it soon.
You would think it could detect Crisis core 3.90 but it can't. When I use the emulator PCSP along with the PCSP-UDB program that comes with it, It sees both copies I have. When i use the pspudb version, it say it is loading it, but it doesn't come up in my UMD list. Is there something different between the two database programs that I am not seeing? Besides the obvious visual changes.
these programs are totally different. PCSP-UDB creates the database while loading , while pspudb has a database of games from which it from their CRC.
I can add support for your images , if you send me the discid and crc values ( you can find them from pcsp-udb)
(07-13-2012, 05:47 PM)shadow Wrote: [ -> ]these programs are totally different. PCSP-UDB creates the database while loading , while pspudb has a database of games from which it from their CRC.
I can add support for your images , if you send me the discid and crc values ( you can find them from pcsp-udb)
yah i saw it thanks. I will try to do it tonight or tomorrow morning ( i was away during weekend)