Load libraries:
- libac3dec.prx
- libac3dec2.prx
- libadec.prx
- libat3dec.prx
- libatrac3plus.prx
- libatxdec.sprx
- libdmux.prx
- libdmuxpamf.prx
- libfiber.prx
- libfont.prx
- libfontFT.prx
- libfreetype.prx
- libfreetypeTT.prx
- libfs.prx
- libl10n.prx
- libmvcdec.prx
- libpamf.prx
- libresc.prx
- librtc.prx
- libsail.prx
- libsail_avi.prx
- libsjvtd.prx
- libsmvd2.prx
- libsmvd4.prx
- libspurs_jq.prx
- libsre.prx
- libsync2.prx
PPU Decoder: Interpreter (fast)
PPU Threads: 2
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
Black screen with fps and a error dialog that say "Installing Red Dead Redemption"
Game has sdat files, try again with the latest build as it may help as it now has sdat decryption in the fly
(03-07-2017, 04:43 PM)Annie Wrote: [ -> ]Game has sdat files, try again with the latest build as it may help as it now has sdat decryption in the fly
It's 5:03 am here and I have not slept yet. I'm too tired to detail everything right so I created 2 logs. One has LLE's "default", probably the same as the list above. And the other log was created with auto-lle. Looking quickly I think I fucked my files following the instructions to extract the files in another topic. Confirm this for me please
RPCS3 v0.0.2-5-bd2e1a6 Alpha
Pad: XInput
Convert to 16 bit: false
Dump to file: false
Renderer: XAudio2
PPU Decoder: Interpreter (fast)
Load libraries:
PPU Threads: 2
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
Load required libraries: true
Frame limit: Auto
Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Aspect ratio: 16x9
Resolution: 1280x720
VSync: true
Renderer: Vulkan
The game now reaches intro and main menu. Someone please move the thread.
Some nice progress
made custom build to shut down rsx_methods error, still crashes but still very impressive
OGL fails to boot with
F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Verification failed (e=0xb7):
(in file Emu\RSX\GL\GLRenderTargets.cpp:224)
Thanks to the devs for developing this emulator, I would try to test all builds and make/upload videos.
This game does run up until it reaches the main menu, at least 3/4 of the landscape that usually is shown in the menu is blank, the other 1/4 is rendering the landscape perfectly up until the specific error someone else posted above arrives...
Here's the video:
Again, I'll try to make and upload more test videos whenever a newer build arrives! Hope you can fix this annoying issue.
No need to check yourself all the time, people in the devteam certainly do already

Tested with a822d99, everything default but DS4.
Goes ingame, with very low fps.
I also tried with vulkan (better fps) but crashed when I try to shoot!
(08-20-2017, 04:54 PM)eoiz Wrote: [ -> ]Tested with a822d99, everything default but DS4.
Goes ingame, with very low fps.
I also tried with vulkan (better fps) but crashed when I try to shoot! 
i didn't face any crash on vulkan in my test. use master build and latest version.