21:50:07 INFO emu - GUI - Java version: 1.7.0_65 (1.7.0_65-b19) 21:50:07 INFO emu - GUI - Java library path: lib/windows-amd64 21:50:07 INFO emu - GUI - Jpcsp v0.7 3592:3621 21:50:07 INFO emu - GUI - UMD param.sfo : ATTRIBUTE = 23068673 BOOTABLE = 1 CATEGORY = UG DISC_ID = NPEZ00096 DISC_NUMBER = 1 DISC_TOTAL = 1 DISC_VERSION = 1.00 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 2 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 5.50 REGION = 32768 TITLE = FORTIX USE_USB = 0 probably homebrew? false 21:50:07 INFO emu - GUI - Content of UMD_DATA.BIN: 'NPEZ-00096|D2C008A9B4CB78D4|0001|G |' 21:50:07 INFO emu - GUI - File 'EBOOT.OLD' not found in directory. 21:50:07 INFO compiler - GUI - Compiler MethodMaxInstructions: 3000 21:50:08 INFO loader - GUI - Found ModuleInfo at 0x088A3054, name:'"iEngine"', version: 0101, attr: 0x00000000, gp: 0x00000000 21:50:08 INFO loader - GUI - Found 98 unresolved imports 21:50:08 INFO loader - GUI - 98 NIDS mapped 21:50:08 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - Audio threads disabled: false 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Only GE Graphics: false 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Save Stencil To Memory: false 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio ChReserve disabled: false 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio Blocking disabled: false 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceMpeg - GUI - Media Engine enabled 21:50:08 INFO hle - GUI - Using the external audio decoder (SonicStage) 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'jpn0.pgf'. Font='Sazanami Gothic' Type='Gothic-Regular' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn0.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn1.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn2.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn3.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn4.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn5.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn6.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn7.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn8.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn9.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn10.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn11.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn12.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn13.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn14.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn15.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'kr0.pgf'. Font='UnDotum' Type='Regular' 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceNetAdhoc - GUI - Using netClientPortShift=0 21:50:08 INFO hle.sceNetAdhoc - GUI - Using netServerPortShift=0 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Using the following settings: 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Region 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Language: [Japanese] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Button preference: ["O" for "Enter"] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Daylight saving time: [Off] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Time format: [24H] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Date format: [YYYY-MM-DD] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - WLAN power saving mode: [Off] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Ad hoc channel: [Auto] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Time zone offset in minutes (GMT): [0] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Nickname: [] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Video 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - (X) Use Opengl Render (Default) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Use Internal Software Rendering 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Use External Software Rendering 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable VBO (automatically disabled if not supported) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Only GE graphics (not recommended for homebrew) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use vertex cache 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use shaders 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable UBO (automatically disabled if not supported, only relevant when using shaders) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable VAO (only relevant when using shaders and vertex cache) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable saving GE screen to textures instead of memory 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders, recommended for AMD/ATI) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Stencil Test" (more accurate but slower) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Color Mask" (more accurate but slower) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable optimized VertexInfo reading (may improve compatibility) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Save Stencil to Memory (more accurate but slower) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Audio 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio threads 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio channels (not recommended) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio blocking 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Memory 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore unmapped imports (not recommended) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use debugger memory (slower, enables memory breakpoints) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Compiler 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use compiler (dynarec) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Output profiler info to profiler.txt (only for compiler) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [3000] maximum method size 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Display 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Antialiasing: [OFF] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Resolution: [Native] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Start JPCSP in fullscreen exclusive mode 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Misc 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use Media Engine 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Enable Atrac3+ decoding (experimental, requires Media Engine) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract media files to TMP folder 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Decode audio files with SonicStage (must be installed separately and requires Media Engine) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use debug font (disable flash0 fonts) 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Crypto 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable SAVEDATA encryption 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract SAVEDATA key to TMP folder 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract original PGD files to TMP folder 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract decrypted EBOOT.BIN files to TMP folder 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable DLC decryption 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Network 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) LAN MultiPlayer 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Server Port Shift 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Client Port Shift 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Enable ProOnline 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - ProOnline MetaServer [coldbird.net] 21:50:10 INFO emu - GUI - Broadcasting address [] 21:50:10 INFO ge - GUI - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl31 21:50:10 INFO ge - GUI - Using VBO 21:50:10 INFO ge - GUI - OpenGL version: 4.4.0 21:50:10 INFO ge - GUI - Shading Language version: 4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler 21:50:10 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS: 0x0 21:50:10 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK: 0x0 21:50:11 INFO runtime - Emu - Using Compiler 21:50:12 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0305) PSP_MODULE_AV_VAUDIO loaded 21:50:12 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0300) PSP_MODULE_AV_AVCODEC loaded 21:50:12 INFO hle.sceUtility - MusicUpdateThread - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0306) PSP_MODULE_AV_AAC loaded 21:50:12 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacInitResource numberIds=0x2 21:50:12 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=0 21:50:12 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0888A0AC by Native Code 'memcpy' 21:50:13 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixLoadingMaterial.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:13 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/loading_background.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:13 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0888A368-0x0888A398 by Native Code 'strcmp' 21:50:13 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixLoadingTextMaterial.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:13 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/text4.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:14 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x08A2AEF0-0x08A2B4F0: Address 0x08A2AEF0, mode=0(AUTOLOAD), gameName=NPEZ00096, saveName=DATA10, fileName=SECURE.BIN, secureVersion=0 21:50:14 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 21:50:14 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08898874 by Native Code 'sceGuTexImage' 21:50:14 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08899AA8 by Native Code 'sceGuMaterial' 21:50:14 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08899128 by Native Code 'sceGuSetMatrix' 21:50:14 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08897C4C-0x08897D18 by Native Code 'sceGuDrawArray' 21:50:14 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 21:50:14 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/catapult_shoot.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/catapult_trigger.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/catapult_turn.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/countdown.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/dragon_fireball.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/menu_move.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/menu_select.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/player_capture.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/player_die.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/powerup_1.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/powerup_2.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/powerup_3.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/powerup_4.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/powerup_5.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/powerup_6.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/powerup_7.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/powerup_8.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/tower_destroy.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/tower_shoot.vag flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/press_start_background.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/press_start_background.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/nemesys_logo.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/nemesys_logo.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixMemoryStickSave.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/gamesave_info_background.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixMemoryStickSaveText.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/gamesave_info_text.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixTexts.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/text.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixMapSelectionMaterial.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixMapSelectionBackround.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixMapStates.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixMapStates.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_881C710 (3354/3000) 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixTexts4.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/text4.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/tahomabd.font flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/tahomabd.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixMenuMaterial.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/menu_background.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixDifficulty.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/difficulty.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixHighscores.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/highscorebackground.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixStoryMaterial.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:16 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/story.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixFinalWin.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/final_win.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixFinalWinPapirus.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/final_win_papirus.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixTexts5.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/text5.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixProfileNameEnter.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/profile_backgorund.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixMemoryBackground.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/memory_background.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortixPlayTutorial.mat flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/playtutorial_background.tga flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/menu.aac flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:17 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/terkep.aac flags = 1 permissions = 0644 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacInit parameters=0x09FBEA58, unknown1=0x0, unknown2=0x35, unknown3=0x3C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacInit parameters: startPos=0x11, endPos=0xD06F3, bufferAddr=0x08A05080, bufferSize=0x20000, outputAddr=0x08A25080, outputSize=0x2000, freq=44100, reserved=0x00000000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetInfoToAddStreamData id=0x0, writeAddr=0x09FBEA38, writableBytesAddr=0x09FBEA3C, readOffsetAddr=0x09FBEA40 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetInfoToAddStreamData returning writeAddr=0x08A056C0, writableBytes=0x1F9C0, readOffset=0x11 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacNotifyAddStreamData id=0x0, bytesToAdd=0x1F9C0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A056C0, length=0x1F9C0 to 0x08A25080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x400 21:50:21 INFO compiler - MusicUpdateThread - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088945F8 by Native Code 'ULongIntegerDiv' 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A05817, length=0x1F869 to 0x08A26080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x800 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A059C2, length=0x1F6BE to 0x08A25080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xC00 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A05B19, length=0x1F567 to 0x08A26080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A05C63, length=0x1F41D to 0x08A25080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1400 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A05DC0, length=0x1F2C0 to 0x08A26080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1800 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A05F2F, length=0x1F151 to 0x08A25080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1C00 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0609F, length=0x1EFE1 to 0x08A26080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x2000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A06208, length=0x1EE78 to 0x08A25080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x2400 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A06369, length=0x1ED17 to 0x08A26080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x2800 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A064DF, length=0x1EBA1 to 0x08A25080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x2C00 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0664A, length=0x1EA36 to 0x08A26080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x3000 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A067C0, length=0x1E8C0 to 0x08A25080 21:50:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x3400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A06938, length=0x1E748 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x3800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A06AB4, length=0x1E5CC to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x3C00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A06C2C, length=0x1E454 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x4000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A06DA4, length=0x1E2DC to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x4400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A06F1E, length=0x1E162 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x4800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0708F, length=0x1DFF1 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x4C00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A07212, length=0x1DE6E to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x5000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A07399, length=0x1DCE7 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x5400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A07519, length=0x1DB67 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x5800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0769C, length=0x1D9E4 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x5C00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A07819, length=0x1D867 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x6000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A079A6, length=0x1D6DA to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x6400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A07B0B, length=0x1D575 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x6800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A07C83, length=0x1D3FD to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x6C00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A07E07, length=0x1D279 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x7000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A07F81, length=0x1D0FF to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x7400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A080EC, length=0x1CF94 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x7800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A08260, length=0x1CE20 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x7C00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A083E0, length=0x1CCA0 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x8000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A08552, length=0x1CB2E to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x8400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A086C6, length=0x1C9BA to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x8800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A08839, length=0x1C847 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x8C00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A089B5, length=0x1C6CB to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x9000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A08B11, length=0x1C56F to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x9400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A08C56, length=0x1C42A to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x9800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A08DAC, length=0x1C2D4 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x9C00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A08F0E, length=0x1C172 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xA000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A09081, length=0x1BFFF to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xA400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A09215, length=0x1BE6B to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xA800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0938F, length=0x1BCF1 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xAC00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A09520, length=0x1BB60 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xB000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0967D, length=0x1BA03 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xB400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A097D8, length=0x1B8A8 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xB800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A09941, length=0x1B73F to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xBC00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A09ABB, length=0x1B5C5 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xC000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A09C3B, length=0x1B445 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xC400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A09DE2, length=0x1B29E to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xC800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A09F2B, length=0x1B155 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xCC00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0A080, length=0x1B000 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xD000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0A1D4, length=0x1AEAC to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xD400 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0A34E, length=0x1AD32 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xD800 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0A4D9, length=0x1ABA7 to 0x08A25080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xDC00 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0A65B, length=0x1AA25 to 0x08A26080 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xE000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0A7E1, length=0x1A89F to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xE400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0A971, length=0x1A70F to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xE800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0AAF5, length=0x1A58B to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xEC00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0AC82, length=0x1A3FE to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xF000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0ADF3, length=0x1A28D to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xF400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0AF68, length=0x1A118 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xF800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0B0DC, length=0x19FA4 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0xFC00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0B25D, length=0x19E23 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x10000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0B3C5, length=0x19CBB to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x10400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0B53D, length=0x19B43 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x10800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0B6AE, length=0x199D2 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x10C00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0B816, length=0x1986A to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x11000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0B995, length=0x196EB to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x11400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0BB09, length=0x19577 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x11800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0BC77, length=0x19409 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x11C00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0BDF0, length=0x19290 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x12000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0BF4F, length=0x19131 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x12400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0C0D4, length=0x18FAC to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x12800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0C200, length=0x18E80 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x12C00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0C36A, length=0x18D16 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x13000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0C4C4, length=0x18BBC to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x13400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0C648, length=0x18A38 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x13800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0C7BE, length=0x188C2 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x13C00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0C945, length=0x1873B to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x14000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0CAC6, length=0x185BA to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x14400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0CC57, length=0x18429 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x14800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0CDE0, length=0x182A0 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x14C00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0CF4E, length=0x18132 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x15000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0D0C1, length=0x17FBF to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x15400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0D242, length=0x17E3E to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x15800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0D3B1, length=0x17CCF to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x15C00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0D529, length=0x17B57 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x16000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0D68B, length=0x179F5 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x16400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0D80E, length=0x17872 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x16800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0D98E, length=0x176F2 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x16C00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0DB00, length=0x17580 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x17000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0DC72, length=0x1740E to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x17400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0DDE9, length=0x17297 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x17800 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0DF57, length=0x17129 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x17C00 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0E0D1, length=0x16FAF to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x18000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0E270, length=0x16E10 to 0x08A25080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x18400 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0E400, length=0x16C80 to 0x08A26080 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:23 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x18800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0E4E6, length=0x16B9A to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x18C00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0E63B, length=0x16A45 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x19000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0E7A5, length=0x168DB to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x19400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0E930, length=0x16750 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x19800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0EAA2, length=0x165DE to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x19C00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0EC20, length=0x16460 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1A000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0EDAB, length=0x162D5 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1A400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0EF27, length=0x16159 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1A800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0F0A6, length=0x15FDA to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1AC00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0F229, length=0x15E57 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1B000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0F3AA, length=0x15CD6 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1B400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0F50A, length=0x15B76 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1B800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0F67F, length=0x15A01 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1BC00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0F7FB, length=0x15885 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1C000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0F973, length=0x1570D to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1C400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0FAEA, length=0x15596 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1C800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0FC60, length=0x15420 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1CC00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0FDD4, length=0x152AC to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1D000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A0FF83, length=0x150FD to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1D400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A100AD, length=0x14FD3 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1D800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A1022A, length=0x14E56 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1DC00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A103A4, length=0x14CDC to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1E000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A104F8, length=0x14B88 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1E400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A10671, length=0x14A0F to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1E800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A107B5, length=0x148CB to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1EC00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A1090F, length=0x14771 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1F000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A10A6E, length=0x14612 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1F400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A10BED, length=0x14493 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1F800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A10D6C, length=0x14314 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x1FC00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A10ED6, length=0x141AA to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x20000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A11040, length=0x14040 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x20400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A111BA, length=0x13EC6 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x20800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A1132E, length=0x13D52 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x20C00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A114B5, length=0x13BCB to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x21000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A11648, length=0x13A38 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x21400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A117DC, length=0x138A4 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x21800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A11968, length=0x13718 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x21C00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A11AD0, length=0x135B0 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x22000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A11C48, length=0x13438 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x22400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A11DB7, length=0x132C9 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x22800 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A11F38, length=0x13148 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x22C00 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A1209B, length=0x12FE5 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x23000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A1220A, length=0x12E76 to 0x08A25080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x23400 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A1238C, length=0x12CF4 to 0x08A26080 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:24 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x23800 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A124FA, length=0x12B86 to 0x08A25080 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x23C00 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A12689, length=0x129F7 to 0x08A26080 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x24000 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A12837, length=0x12849 to 0x08A25080 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x24400 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A129BE, length=0x126C2 to 0x08A26080 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x24800 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A12A8E, length=0x125F2 to 0x08A25080 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A25080) returning 0x1000 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x24C00 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - Decoding from 0x08A12BE6, length=0x1249A to 0x08A26080 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBEA9C(0x08A26080) returning 0x1000 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample id=0x0 21:50:25 DEBUG hle.sceAac - MusicUpdateThread - sceAacGetSumDecodedSample returning 0x25000 21:50:25 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit -----------------------------