20:26:37 INFO emu - GUI - Java version: 1.7.0_25 (1.7.0_25-b17) 20:26:37 INFO emu - GUI - Java library path: lib/windows-x86 20:26:37 INFO emu - GUI - Jpcsp v0.7 3376:3402 20:26:37 INFO emu - GUI - UMD param.sfo : APP_VER = 01.00 BOOTABLE = 1 CATEGORY = UG DISC_ID = NPJH50730 DISC_NUMBER = 1 DISC_TOTAL = 1 DISC_VERSION = 1.00 HRKGMP_VER = 19 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 1 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 6.60 REGION = 32768 TITLE = ??³¥²y?????2013 USE_USB = 0 probably homebrew? false 20:26:37 INFO emu - GUI - Content of UMD_DATA.BIN: 'NPJH-50730|825D3F2BDB7B40BC|0001|G |' 20:26:37 INFO emu - GUI - File 'EBOOT.OLD' not found in directory. 20:26:37 WARN loader - GUI - Encrypted file detected! (~PSP) 20:26:37 INFO loader - GUI - Calling crypto engine for PRX. 20:26:39 WARN emu - GUI - .shstrtab section not found 20:26:39 WARN loader - GUI - ELF is not PRX, but has no section headers! 20:26:39 WARN loader - GUI - Manually locating ModuleInfo at address: 0x8a5b7c8 20:26:39 INFO loader - GUI - Found ModuleInfo name:'pspsystem' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:08e19e30 20:26:39 INFO loader - GUI - Found 255 unresolved imports 20:26:39 INFO loader - GUI - 255 NIDS mapped 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceMpeg - GUI - Media Engine enabled 20:26:39 INFO hle - GUI - Using the external audio decoder (SonicStage) 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'jpn0.pgf'. Font='Sazanami Gothic' Type='Gothic-Regular' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn0.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn1.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn2.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn3.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn4.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn5.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn6.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn7.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn8.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn9.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn10.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn11.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn12.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn13.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn14.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn15.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 20:26:39 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'kr0.pgf'. Font='UnDotum' Type='Regular' 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Using the following settings: 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Region 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Language: [Japanese] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Button preference: ["O" for "Enter"] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Daylight saving time: [Off] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Time zone offset in minutes (GMT): [0] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Time format: [24H] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Date format: [YYYY-MM-DD] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - WLAN power saving mode: [Off] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Ad hoc channel: [Auto] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Nickname: [] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Video 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable VBO (automatically disabled if not supported) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Only GE graphics (not recommended for homebrew) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use vertex cache 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use shaders 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable UBO (automatically disabled if not supported, only relevant when using shaders) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable VAO (only relevant when using shaders and vertex cache) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable saving GE screen to textures instead of memory 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders, recommended for AMD/ATI) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Stencil Test" (more accurate but slower) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Color Mask" (more accurate but slower) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable optimized VertexInfo reading (may improve compatibility) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Save Stencil to Memory (more accurate but slower) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use Software Rendering (very experimental, not yet complete, slow) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Audio 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio threads 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio channels (not recommended) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio blocking 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Memory 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore unmapped imports (not recommended) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Misc 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use Media Engine 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract media files to TMP folder 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Decode audio files with SonicStage (must be installed separately and requires Media Engine) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use debug font (disable flash0 fonts) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Compiler 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use compiler (dynarec) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Output profiler info to profiler.txt (only for compiler) 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [0] maximum method size 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Crypto 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract decrypted EBOOT.BIN files to TMP folder 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Handle SAVEDATA in crypto mode 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract original PGD files to TMP folder 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Display 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Antialiasing: [] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - Resolution: [] 20:26:39 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Start JPCSP in fullscreen exclusive mode 20:26:39 INFO ge - GUI - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl31 20:26:39 INFO ge - GUI - Using VBO 20:26:39 INFO ge - GUI - OpenGL version: 4.3.0 20:26:39 INFO ge - GUI - Shading Language version: 4.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler 20:26:39 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS: 0x0 20:26:39 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK: 0x0 20:26:41 INFO runtime - Emu - Using Compiler 20:26:41 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A4E548 by Native Code 'strlen' 20:26:42 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=0 20:26:42 INFO hle.sceDisplay - user_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf topaddr=0x00000000, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=1, syncType=1 (blocking display output) 20:26:42 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A58708 by Native Code 'sceGuMaterial' 20:26:42 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A5724C-0x08A57318 by Native Code 'sceGuDrawArray' 20:26:42 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A578A8 by Native Code 'sceGuTexMapMode' 20:26:42 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A57918 by Native Code 'sceGuTexImage' 20:26:42 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 20:26:42 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=16 20:26:42 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=10 20:26:42 INFO hle.sceDisplay - user_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf topaddr=0x04044000, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=1, syncType=1 ok 20:26:42 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 20:26:42 INFO compiler - filethread - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A4E02C by Native Code 'memcmp' 20:26:42 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/BASEBALL.FBD flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:26:42 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=2 20:26:42 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=3 20:26:42 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=4 20:26:42 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=5 20:26:42 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=6 20:26:42 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=7 20:26:42 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=8 20:26:42 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=9 20:26:42 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=10 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=11 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=12 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=13 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=14 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=15 20:26:43 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0300) PSP_MODULE_AV_AVCODEC loaded 20:26:43 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0301) PSP_MODULE_AV_SASCORE loaded 20:26:43 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0302) PSP_MODULE_AV_ATRAC3PLUS loaded 20:26:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A4E504 by Native Code 'strcpy' 20:26:43 INFO hle.scePower - user_main - scePowerRegisterCallback slot=0xFFFFFFFF, uid=0x20 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=16 20:26:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A4E628 by Native Code 'strncpy' 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICE10.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICE12.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICE13.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICE14.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICE15.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICE16.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICEEXT_J.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICEEXT_UG.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICEEXT_DJ.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICEREP_J.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICEREP_UG.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/SOUND/VOICEREP_DJ.BIN' umd file/dir not found 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - user_main - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - SoundMainThread - hleKernelWaitEventFlag already another thread waiting on it 20:26:43 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - SoundMainThread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x0000_size0xffffffff flags = 4001 permissions = 0644 20:26:44 INFO hle.scePower - user_main - scePowerRegisterCallback slot=0xFFFFFFFF, uid=0x39 20:26:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A580A4 by Native Code 'sceGuSetMatrix' 20:26:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A5731C-0x08A57400 by Native Code 'sceGuDrawArrayN' 20:26:44 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 20:26:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=17 20:26:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/logo.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:26:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=18 20:26:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=19 20:26:44 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:26:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=20 20:26:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/com_sel.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:26:44 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SoundMainThread - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x08E3F300, readSize=0x10000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0xA00B0 20:26:44 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SoundMainThread - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder, using 'LocalVirtualFile SeekableRandomFile 'tmp\NPJH50730\Atrac\Atrac-000A00B0-08E3F300-E06F3BF9.wav''. 20:26:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=21 20:26:45 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=22 20:26:45 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:26:45 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=23 20:26:45 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A4E4D0 by Native Code 'strcmp' 20:26:45 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A4E384 by Native Code 'strcasecmp' 20:26:45 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=24 20:26:46 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=25 20:26:50 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A4E43C by Native Code 'strcat' 20:26:50 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - checksumthread - hleIoOpen filename = ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPJH50730GD/BASEBALL.FBD flags = 40000001 permissions = 00 20:26:50 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - checksumthread - hleIoOpen filename = ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPJH50730GD/BASEBALL.FBD flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:26:50 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=26 20:26:52 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=27 20:26:55 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A4E5C4 by Native Code 'strncmp' 20:26:55 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=28 20:26:56 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=29 20:26:56 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=30 20:26:56 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x0927E824-0x0927EE24: Address 0x0927E824, mode=15(READSECURE), gameName=NPJH50730, saveName=SS, fileName=SYSTEM.DAT, secureVersion=0 20:26:57 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=31 20:26:57 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=32 20:26:57 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x0927E824-0x0927EE24: Address 0x0927E824, mode=15(READSECURE), gameName=NPJH50730, saveName=OM, fileName=ORGMUSIC.DAT, secureVersion=0 20:26:58 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x0927E824-0x0927EE24: Address 0x0927E824, mode=12(FILES), gameName=NPJH50234, saveName=SS, fileName=, secureVersion=0 20:26:59 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x092833D4-0x092839D4: Address 0x092833D4, mode=12(FILES), gameName=NPJH50336, saveName=SS, fileName=, secureVersion=0 20:27:00 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x09283254-0x09283854: Address 0x09283254, mode=12(FILES), gameName=NPJH50520, saveName=SS, fileName=, secureVersion=0 20:27:01 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityMsgDialogInitStart 0x09283260-0x09283524: result 0x00000000 mode PSP_UTILITY_MSGDIALOG_MODE_TEXT errorValue 0x00000000 message '??³¥²y???????????????????¡B ??????????¡C ' options 0x000000A1 buttonPressed 0x00000000 20:27:02 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=10 20:27:06 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=33 20:27:06 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=34 20:27:06 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x0927E824-0x0927EE24: Address 0x0927E824, mode=12(FILES), gameName=NPJH50730, saveName=SS, fileName=, secureVersion=0 20:27:07 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x0927E824-0x0927EE24: Address 0x0927E824, mode=22(GETSIZE), gameName=NPJH50730, saveName=SS, fileName=, secureVersion=0 20:27:07 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x0927E824-0x0927EE24: Address 0x0927E824, mode=13(MAKEDATASECURE), gameName=NPJH50730, saveName=SS, fileName=SYSTEM.DAT, secureVersion=0 20:27:08 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=35 20:27:08 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=36 20:27:08 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x0927E824-0x0927EE24: Address 0x0927E824, mode=12(FILES), gameName=NPJH50730, saveName=OM, fileName=, secureVersion=0 20:27:09 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x0927E824-0x0927EE24: Address 0x0927E824, mode=22(GETSIZE), gameName=NPJH50730, saveName=OM, fileName=, secureVersion=0 20:27:26 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=37 20:27:26 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/opening.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:26 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=38 20:27:26 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=39 20:27:27 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:27 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=40 20:27:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/com_mat.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:27 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=41 20:27:27 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=42 20:27:27 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:27 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=43 20:27:32 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_4444|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=8 20:27:33 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=44 20:27:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/select.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:33 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=45 20:27:33 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=46 20:27:33 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:33 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=47 20:27:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/com_sel.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:33 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=48 20:27:33 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=49 20:27:33 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:33 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_4444|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=8 20:27:34 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=50 20:27:34 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=51 20:27:34 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=52 20:27:34 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=53 20:27:34 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=54 20:27:36 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=55 20:27:36 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=56 20:27:36 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=57 20:27:36 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=5 20:27:36 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=58 20:27:36 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=59 20:27:36 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=60 20:27:36 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=61 20:27:36 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=62 20:27:36 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=63 20:27:37 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=64 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=28 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=28 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(7)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=28 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(6)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=28 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(2)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(6)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(4)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(5)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=28 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(3)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(1)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(3)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=18 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(5)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(4)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=18 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(2)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(1)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 20:27:37 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=12 20:27:37 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=65 20:27:37 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=66 20:27:39 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=67 20:27:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/opening.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:39 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=68 20:27:40 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=69 20:27:40 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:40 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=70 20:27:40 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/com_mat.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:40 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=71 20:27:40 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=72 20:27:40 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:40 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=73 20:27:43 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SoundMainThread - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x08E3F300, readSize=0x10000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0xA00B0 20:27:43 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SoundMainThread - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder, using 'LocalVirtualFile SeekableRandomFile 'tmp\NPJH50730\Atrac\Atrac-000A00B0-08E3F300-E06F3BF9.wav''. 20:27:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=74 20:27:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/select.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=75 20:27:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=76 20:27:44 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=77 20:27:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/com_sel.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=78 20:27:44 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=79 20:27:44 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:45 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=80 20:27:45 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=81 20:27:45 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=82 20:27:45 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=83 20:27:45 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=84 20:27:46 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=85 20:27:46 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=86 20:27:46 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=87 20:27:46 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=88 20:27:46 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=89 20:27:46 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=90 20:27:46 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=91 20:27:47 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=92 20:27:47 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=93 20:27:47 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=94 20:27:47 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(2)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 20:27:47 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(5)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 20:27:47 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=95 20:27:47 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=96 20:27:52 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=97 20:27:52 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/opening.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:52 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=98 20:27:52 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=99 20:27:52 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:52 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=100 20:27:52 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/com_mat.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:52 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=101 20:27:52 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=102 20:27:52 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:53 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=103 20:27:54 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SoundMainThread - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x08E3F300, readSize=0x10000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0xA00B0 20:27:54 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SoundMainThread - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder, using 'LocalVirtualFile SeekableRandomFile 'tmp\NPJH50730\Atrac\Atrac-000A00B0-08E3F300-E06F3BF9.wav''. 20:27:55 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=104 20:27:55 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/select.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:55 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=105 20:27:55 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=106 20:27:56 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:56 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=107 20:27:56 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/com_sel.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:27:56 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=108 20:27:56 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=109 20:27:56 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:27:57 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=110 20:27:57 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=111 20:27:57 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=112 20:27:57 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=113 20:27:57 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=114 20:27:58 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=115 20:27:58 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=116 20:27:58 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=117 20:27:58 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=118 20:27:58 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=119 20:27:58 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=120 20:27:58 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=121 20:27:59 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=122 20:27:59 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=123 20:27:59 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=124 20:27:59 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=125 20:27:59 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=126 20:28:01 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=127 20:28:02 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=128 20:28:03 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=129 20:28:03 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/tutorial.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:28:03 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=130 20:28:03 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=131 20:28:03 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:28:03 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=132 20:28:03 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/dm_gmopg.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:28:03 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=133 20:28:03 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=134 20:28:04 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:28:04 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=135 20:28:04 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/mtteam.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:28:04 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=136 20:28:04 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=137 20:28:04 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:28:04 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=138 20:28:04 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/cm_offln.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:28:04 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=139 20:28:04 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=140 20:28:04 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:28:04 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=141 20:28:04 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - filethread - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/CDVDROOT/OVERLAYS/com_mat.elf flags = 1 permissions = 00 20:28:04 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=142 20:28:04 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=143 20:28:04 INFO hle.UtilsForUser - user_main - sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll 20:28:06 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=144 20:28:06 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=145 20:28:06 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=146 20:28:06 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=147 20:28:06 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=148 20:28:06 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=149 20:28:06 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=150 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=151 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=152 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=153 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=154 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=155 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=156 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=157 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=158 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=159 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=160 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=161 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=162 20:28:07 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=163 20:28:08 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=164 20:28:08 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=165 20:28:08 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=166 20:28:08 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=167 20:28:08 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_COLOR_5650|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=10 20:28:08 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_COLOR_5650|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 20:28:09 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=168 20:28:09 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 20:28:09 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 20:28:09 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=169 20:28:09 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=170 20:28:09 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=171 20:28:09 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=172 20:28:09 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=173 20:28:10 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=174 20:28:10 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=175 20:28:10 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=176 20:28:10 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=177 20:28:10 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=178 20:28:10 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=179 20:28:10 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=180 20:28:10 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=181 20:28:10 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_89996B0 (3077/3000) 20:28:11 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=12 20:28:11 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=3 20:28:12 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=5 20:28:14 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SoundMainThread - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x08E3F300, readSize=0x10000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x6BB80 20:28:15 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SD_ATRAC_THREAD - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder (all AT3+ data retrieved). 20:28:17 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=182 20:28:17 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=183 20:28:17 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=184 20:28:17 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=185 20:28:17 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=186 20:28:17 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=187 20:28:17 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - filethread - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'filethread' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=188 20:28:18 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A578F8 by Native Code 'sceGuTexSync' 20:28:18 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A57404 by Native Code 'sceGuCopyImage' 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=14 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(7)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=14 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(7)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=28 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_COLOR_4444|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=22 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(7)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=22 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(6)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 20:28:18 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 20:28:18 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SoundMainThread - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x08E3F300, readSize=0x10000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0xA3590 20:28:19 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - SD_ATRAC_THREAD - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder (all AT3+ data retrieved). 20:28:46 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=14 20:28:52 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_COLOR_4444|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 20:28:56 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit -----------------------------