07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Java version: 1.7.0_25 (1.7.0_25-b17) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Jpcsp v0.6 2126 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - UMD param.sfo : BOOTABLE = 1 CATEGORY = UG DISC_ID = ULUS10297 DISC_NUMBER = 1 DISC_TOTAL = 1 DISC_VERSION = 1.00 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 5 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 3.51 REGION = 32768 TITLE = FINAL FANTASY TACTICS: THE WAR OF THE LIONS probably homebrew? false 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Loading global compatibility settings: 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Region 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Language [日本語] 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Button preference: ["O" for "Enter"] 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Daylight savings: [Off] 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Time zone offset in minutes (GMT+/-): [0] 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Time format: [24H] 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Date format: [YYYY-MM-DD] 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - WLAN power saving mode: [Off] 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Ad hoc channel: [Auto] 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Nickname: [] 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Video 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable VBO (automatically disabled if not supported) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Only GE graphics (not recommended for homebrew) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use vertex cache 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use shaders (experimental) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable UBO (automatically disabled if not supported, only relevant when using shaders) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable VAO (only relevant when using shaders and vertex cache) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders, recommended for AMD/ATI) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Audio 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio threads 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio channels (not recommended) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio blocking 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Memory 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore unmapped imports (not recommended) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Media 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use Media Engine 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract media files to tmp folder 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Decode audio files with SonicStage (must be installed separately and requires Media Engine) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use non-native fonts from flash0 folder 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Compiler 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use compiler (dynarec) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Output profiler info to profiler.txt (only for compiler) 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [3000] Maximum method size 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Crypto 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract decrypted EBOOT.BIN files to the TMP folder 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Handle SAVEDATA in crypto mode 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract original PGD files to the TMP folder 07:40:33 INFO ge - GUI - Only GE Graphics: false 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceMpeg - GUI - Media Engine enabled 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio ChReserve disabled: false 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio Blocking disabled: false 07:40:33 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - Audio threads disabled: false 07:40:33 INFO memory - GUI - Ignore invalid memory access: false 07:40:33 ERROR compiler - GUI - BranchInstruction: label '32' not found 07:40:33 ERROR compiler - GUI - BranchInstruction: label '29' not found 07:40:33 INFO compiler - GUI - Compiler MethodMaxInstructions: 3000 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Found ModuleInfo name:'fftpsp' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:08bb3ea0 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - Found 187 unresolved imports 07:40:33 INFO emu - GUI - 187 NIDS mapped 07:40:33 INFO hle - GUI - Using the external audio decoder (SonicStage) 07:40:33 ERROR hle.sceFont - GUI - java.io.FileNotFoundException: flash0\font\debug.jpft (系統找不到指定的檔案。) 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn0.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn1.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn2.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn3.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn4.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn5.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn6.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn7.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn8.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn9.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn10.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 07:40:33 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn11.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 07:40:34 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn12.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 07:40:34 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn13.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 07:40:34 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn14.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 07:40:34 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn15.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 07:40:34 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - GUI - pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/ 07:40:34 INFO ge - GUI - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl31 07:40:34 INFO ge - GUI - OpenGL version: 4.3.0 07:40:34 INFO ge - GUI - Shading Language version: 4.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler 07:40:34 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS; 0x0 07:40:34 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK: 0x0 07:40:34 INFO ge - GUI - Using VBO 07:40:35 INFO runtime - Emu - Using Compiler 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0880F940 by Native Code 'strlen' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880CB80-0x0880CC24 by Native Code 'memset' 07:40:35 ERROR compiler - user_main - Not implemented: branching to an unknown address 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0880C700 by Native Code 'memcpy' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880C700-0x0880C820 by Native Code 'memcpy' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08BAB720 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08819040 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08821E00 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08824580 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08821D40 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08818D00 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A1B5E4-0x08A1B5F0 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A1B694-0x08A1B6A0 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:40:35 INFO hle.LoadExecForUser - user_main - sceKernelRegisterExitCallback SceUID=e 07:40:35 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - pspFileManager::start(int) - pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/PSP_GAME/USRDIR 07:40:35 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - pspFileManager::start(int) - hleIoOpen filename = fftpack.bin flags = 1 permissions = 00 07:40:35 INFO hle.sceUtility - xpLibSpu - IGNORING: sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0301) PSP_MODULE_AV_SASCORE 07:40:35 INFO hle.sceSasCore - xpLibSpu - __sceSasInit(0x097A5F40, grain=64, maxVoices=32, outMode=0, sampleRate=44100) 07:40:35 INFO hle.sceUtility - psx_main - IGNORING: sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0300) PSP_MODULE_AV_AVCODEC 07:40:35 INFO hle.sceUtility - psx_main - IGNORING: sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0303) PSP_MODULE_AV_MPEGBASE 07:40:35 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0883F340 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882A940 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:35 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882A9C0 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:35 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:36 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08833B80 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:36 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882AE00 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:36 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088827DC-0x088827E8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:40:36 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:36 INFO hle.sceMpeg - psx_main - sceMpegInit 07:40:36 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - psx_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/movie/001_HolyStone.pmf flags = 1 permissions = 00 07:40:36 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=3, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:36 INFO hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x4088000, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=3, syncType=1) ok 07:40:36 INFO hle - DecodeThread - Using external audio 'tmp\ULUS10297\Mpeg-6109184\ExtAudio.wav' 07:40:36 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A4A530-0x08A4A53C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:40:36 INFO compiler - xpLibSpu - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0887E3C0 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:37 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0883CBC0 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:37 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A12040 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:37 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882A8C0 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:37 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A18200 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:37 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088829DC-0x088829E8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:40:45 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:45 INFO hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x4000000, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=3, syncType=1) ok 07:40:45 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880C700-0x0880C820 by Native Code 'memcpy' 07:40:45 INFO hle.sceUtility - psx_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x08BAE7B4, mode=8(SIZES), gameName=ULUS10297, saveName=FFT0000, fileName=FFTA.SYS 07:40:45 INFO hle.sceUtility - psx_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x08BAE7B4, mode=0(AUTOLOAD), gameName=ULUS10297, saveName=FFT0000, fileName=FFTA.SYS 07:40:46 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:46 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:46 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882AC40 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:46 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882AE80 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:46 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882AEC0 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:46 INFO hle.sceDisplay - DisplayThread - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x4000000, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=3, syncType=1) ok 07:40:48 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882AB80 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:50 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880CB80-0x0880CC24 by Native Code 'memset' 07:40:50 ERROR compiler - psx_main - Not implemented: branching to an unknown address 07:40:50 ERROR hle - DecodeThread - MediaEngine: Invalid container format! 07:40:50 ERROR hle - DecodeThread - MediaEngine: No video streams found! 07:40:50 INFO hle - DecodeThread - Using external audio 'tmp\ULUS10297\Mpeg-6109184\ExtAudio.wav' 07:40:50 INFO hle.sceMpeg - psx_main - sceMpegFinish 07:40:51 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:51 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:51 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:51 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:51 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:51 INFO hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x4088000, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=3, syncType=1) ok 07:40:54 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088DA300 by Native Code 'nop' 07:40:59 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:59 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:59 INFO hle.sceMpeg - psx_main - sceMpegInit 07:40:59 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - psx_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/movie/002_Opening.pmf flags = 1 permissions = 00 07:40:59 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=3, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:40:59 INFO hle - DecodeThread - Using external audio 'tmp\ULUS10297\Mpeg-14901248\ExtAudio.wav' 07:40:59 INFO hle.sceDisplay - DisplayThread - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x4000000, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=3, syncType=1) ok 07:41:03 ERROR hle - DecodeThread - MediaEngine: Invalid container format! 07:41:03 ERROR hle - DecodeThread - MediaEngine: No video streams found! 07:41:04 INFO hle - DecodeThread - Using external audio 'tmp\ULUS10297\Mpeg-14901248\ExtAudio.wav' 07:41:04 INFO hle.sceMpeg - psx_main - sceMpegFinish 07:41:04 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:41:04 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:41:04 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:41:04 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08874FA8-0x08874FB4 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:41:04 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:41:04 INFO hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x4000000, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=3, syncType=1) ok 07:41:05 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08939040 by Native Code 'nop' 07:41:05 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880C700-0x0880C820 by Native Code 'memcpy' 07:41:05 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08898560-0x0889856C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:41:05 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0889C274-0x0889C280 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:41:05 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880C700-0x0880C820 by Native Code 'memcpy' 07:41:05 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880C700-0x0880C820 by Native Code 'memcpy' 07:41:06 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0889D520-0x0889D52C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:41:06 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880C700-0x0880C820 by Native Code 'memcpy' 07:41:10 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089BF8A0-0x089BF8AC by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:41:10 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880CB80-0x0880CC24 by Native Code 'memset' 07:41:10 ERROR compiler - psx_main - Not implemented: branching to an unknown address 07:41:10 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8929E80 (3251/3000) 07:41:11 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8892A40 (3713/3000) 07:41:11 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880C700-0x0880C820 by Native Code 'memcpy' 07:41:11 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088343EC-0x088343F8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 07:41:12 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_892FA40 (3519/3000) 07:41:12 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_892FAE0 (3481/3000) 07:41:12 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_892FAF8 (3475/3000) 07:41:12 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8932570 (3378/3000) 07:41:12 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8932A40 (3378/3000) 07:41:13 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_89325A8 (3378/3000) 07:41:13 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8932B24 (3378/3000) 07:41:15 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_89300F8 (3378/3000) 07:41:19 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_89312B4 (3378/3000) 07:41:54 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8932028 (3378/3000) 07:42:02 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_89329B0 (3378/3000) 07:42:33 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8931DF8 (3378/3000) 07:42:35 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8931CBC (3378/3000) 07:42:44 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8931424 (3378/3000) 07:42:45 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_89324F8 (3378/3000) 07:42:51 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_89324D4 (3378/3000) 07:43:25 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8930B2C (3378/3000) 07:43:26 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8930B44 (3378/3000) 07:43:26 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8930C10 (3378/3000) 07:43:26 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8930E70 (3378/3000) 07:43:27 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8931034 (3378/3000) 07:43:27 WARN hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0, bufferwidth=0, pixelformat=0, syncType=1) (blocking display output) 07:43:27 INFO hle.sceDisplay - psx_main - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x4088000, bufferwidth=512, pixelformat=3, syncType=1) ok 07:43:30 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_89317B0 (3378/3000) 07:44:08 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8931448 (3378/3000) 07:44:53 INFO compiler - psx_main - Splitting _S1_2_8930F58 (3378/3000) 07:45:58 INFO compiler - psx_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B9E00 by Native Code 'nop' 07:50:24 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit -----------------------------