15:48:31 INFO memory - GUI - Ignore invalid memory access: false 15:48:32 INFO emu - GUI - Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin 15:48:35 INFO ge - GUI - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl15 15:48:35 INFO ge - GUI - Using VBO 15:48:35 INFO ge - GUI - OpenGL version: 2.1.2 15:48:35 INFO ge - GUI - Shading Language version: 1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler 15:48:44 INFO emu - GUI - Java version: 1.7.0_21 (1.7.0_21-b11) 15:48:44 INFO emu - GUI - Java library path: lib/windows-x86 15:48:44 INFO emu - GUI - Jpcsp v0.6 3040:3111 15:48:44 INFO emu - GUI - UMD param.sfo : APP_VER = 01.00 BOOTABLE = 1 CATEGORY = UG DISC_ID = ULJM06266 DISC_NUMBER = 1 DISC_TOTAL = 1 DISC_VERSION = 1.02 HRKGMP_VER = 19 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 5 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 6.60 REGION = 32768 TITLE = AMNESIA CROWD USE_USB = 0 probably homebrew? false 15:48:44 INFO emu - GUI - File 'EBOOT.OLD' not found in directory. 15:48:44 INFO compiler - GUI - Compiler MethodMaxInstructions: 1000 15:48:45 WARN loader - GUI - Encrypted file detected! (~PSP) 15:48:45 INFO loader - GUI - Calling crypto engine for PRX. 15:48:50 INFO loader - GUI - Found ModuleInfo name:'simple' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:00000000 15:48:50 INFO loader - GUI - Found 195 unresolved imports 15:48:50 INFO loader - GUI - 195 NIDS mapped 15:48:50 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - Audio threads disabled: false 15:48:50 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Saving GE to Textures 15:48:50 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Only GE Graphics: true 15:48:50 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Save Stencil To Memory: false 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio ChReserve disabled: false 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio Blocking disabled: false 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceMpeg - GUI - Media Engine enabled 15:48:51 INFO hle - GUI - Using the external audio decoder (SonicStage) 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'jpn0.pgf'. Font='Sazanami Gothic' Type='Gothic-Regular' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn0.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn1.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn2.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn3.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn4.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn5.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn6.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn7.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn8.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 15:48:51 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn9.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 15:48:52 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn10.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 15:48:52 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn11.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 15:48:52 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn12.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 15:48:52 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn13.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 15:48:52 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn14.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 15:48:52 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn15.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 15:48:52 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'kr0.pgf'. Font='UnDotum' Type='Regular' 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Using the following settings: 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Region 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Language [¤é¥»»y] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Button preference: ["O" for "Enter"] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Daylight savings: [Off] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Time zone offset in minutes (GMT+/-): [0] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Time format: [24H] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Date format: [YYYY-MM-DD] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - WLAN power saving mode: [Off] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Ad hoc channel: [Auto] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Nickname: [] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Video 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable VBO (automatically disabled if not supported) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Only GE graphics (not recommended for homebrew) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use vertex cache 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use shaders 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Disable UBO (automatically disabled if not supported, only relevant when using shaders) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable VAO (only relevant when using shaders and vertex cache) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders, recommended for AMD/ATI) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Stencil Test" (more accurate but slower) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Color Mask" (more accurate but slower) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable optimized VertexInfo reading (may improve compatibility) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Save Stencil to Memory (more accurate but slower) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use Software Rendering (very experimental, not yet complete, slow) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Audio 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio threads 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio channels (not recommended) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio blocking 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Memory 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore unmapped imports (not recommended) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Media 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use Media Engine 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract media files to tmp folder 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Decode audio files with SonicStage (must be installed separately and requires Media Engine) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use debug font (disable flash0 fonts) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Compiler 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use compiler (dynarec) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Output profiler info to profiler.txt (only for compiler) 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [1000] Maximum method size 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Crypto 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract decrypted EBOOT.BIN files to the TMP folder 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Handle SAVEDATA in crypto mode 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract original PGD files to the TMP folder 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Display 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Anti-aliasing: [OFF] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - Resolution: [Native] 15:48:52 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Start JPCSP in Full-Screen Exclusive Mode in the following runs 15:48:52 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - GUI - pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/ 15:48:52 INFO ge - GUI - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl15 15:48:52 INFO ge - GUI - Using VBO 15:48:52 INFO ge - GUI - OpenGL version: 2.1.2 15:48:52 INFO ge - GUI - Shading Language version: 1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler 15:48:52 INFO ge - GUI - Using shaders with Skinning 15:48:52 WARN ge - GUI - Disabling Native Color Lookup Tables (CLUT) 15:48:52 INFO ge - GUI - Extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 not available: not using bit operators in shader 15:48:53 ERROR ge - GUI - Shader error log: Vertex info ----------- Internal error: assembly compile error for vertex shader at offset 13649: -- error message -- line 206, column 9: error: invalid parameter array size line 318, column 17: error: out of bounds array access line 319, column 13: error: out of bounds array access line 320, column 13: error: out of bounds array access line 321, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 323, column 13: error: out of bounds array access line 324, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 326, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 328, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 329, column 17: error: out of bounds array access line 331, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 342, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 347, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 352, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 353, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 360, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 365, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 366, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 368, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 369, column 19: error: out of bounds array access line 373, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 374, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 375, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 378, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 379, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 386, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 391, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 396, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 397, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 402, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 404, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 408, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 413, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 414, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 419, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 421, column 19: error: out of bounds array access line 427, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 428, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 429, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 433, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 434, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 441, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 446, column 19: error: out of bounds array access line 451, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 456, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 463, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 464, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 465, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 466, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 467, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 468, column 19: error: out of bounds array access line 469, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 470, column 17: error: out of bounds array access line 473, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 474, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 476, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 477, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 478, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 479, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 481, column 19: error: out of bounds array access line 485, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 486, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 491, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 493, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 494, column 19: error: out of bounds array access line 498, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 499, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 502, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 504, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 505, column 19: error: out of bounds array access line 509, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 510, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 516, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 517, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 519, column 21: error: out of bounds array access line 523, column 17: error: out of bounds array access line 524, column 16: error: out of bounds array access line 525, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 526, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 529, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 530, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 536, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 537, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 539, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 540, column 16: error: out of bounds array access line 542, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 547, column 18: error: out of bounds array access line 548, column 17: error: out of bounds array access line 549, column 15: error: out of bounds array access line 552, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 553, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 556, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 557, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 564, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 565, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 568, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 570, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 575, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 576, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 579, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 581, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 585, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 586, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 589, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 593, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 594, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 599, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 600, column 20: error: out of bounds array access line 604, column 22: error: out of bounds array access line 607, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 608, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 609, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 610, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 611, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 612, column 18: error: out of bounds array access line 613, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 617, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 618, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 619, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 620, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 621, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 622, column 18: error: out of bounds array access line 623, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 627, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 628, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 629, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 630, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 631, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 632, column 18: error: out of bounds array access line 633, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 637, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 638, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 639, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 640, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 641, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 642, column 18: error: out of bounds array access line 643, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 647, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 648, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 649, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 650, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 651, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 652, column 17: error: out of bounds array access line 653, column 24: error: out of bounds array access line 657, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 658, column 23: error: out of bounds array access line 659, colu-- internal assembly text -- !!ARBvp1.0 OPTION NV_vertex_program3; # cgc version 3.1.0001, build date Jan 31 2013 # command line args: #vendor NVIDIA Corporation #version #profile vp40 #program main #semantic gl_ModelViewMatrix : state.matrix.modelview.transpose #semantic gl_NormalMatrix : state.matrix.modelview.inverse #semantic gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix : state.matrix.mvp.transpose #semantic gl_FrontMaterial : state.material.front #semantic gl_LightModel : state.lightmodel #semantic gl_TextureMatrix : state.matrix.texture.transpose #semantic gl_LightSource : state.light #semantic psp_matFlags #semantic psp_lightType #semantic psp_lightKind #semantic psp_lightEnabled #semantic psp_boneMatrix #semantic psp_numberBones #semantic texEnable #semantic texMapMode #semantic texMapProj #semantic texShade #semantic lightingEnable #semantic colorAddition #semantic vinfoColor #semantic vinfoPosition #semantic vinfoTexture #semantic vinfoNormal #semantic vinfoTransform2D #semantic positionScale #semantic normalScale #semantic textureScale #semantic weightScale #semantic vertexColor #var float4x4 gl_ModelViewMatrix : state.matrix.modelview.transpose : c[32], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float3x3 gl_NormalMatrix : state.matrix.modelview.inverse : c[36], 3 : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_Position : $vout.POSITION : HPOS : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix : state.matrix.mvp.transpose : c[39], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float gl_FogFragCoord : $vout.FOGC : : -1 : 0 #var float4 gl_TexCoord[0] : $vout.TEX0 : TEX0 : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_TexCoord[1] : : : -1 : 0 #var float4 gl_TexCoord[2] : : : -1 : 0 #var float4 gl_TexCoord[3] : : : -1 : 0 #var float4 gl_TexCoord[4] : : : -1 : 0 #var float4 gl_TexCoord[5] : : : -1 : 0 #var float4 gl_TexCoord[6] : : : -1 : 0 #var float4 gl_TexCoord[7] : : : -1 : 0 #var float4 gl_FrontColor : $vout.COLOR0 : COL0 : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_FrontSecondaryColor : $vout.COLOR1 : COL1 : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_FrontMaterial.emission : state.material.front.emission : c[43] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_FrontMaterial.ambient : state.material.front.ambient : c[44] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse : state.material.front.diffuse : c[45] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_FrontMaterial.specular : state.material.front.specular : c[46] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_FrontMaterial.shininess : state.material.front.shininess : c[47] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightModel.ambient : state.lightmodel.ambient : c[48] : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 gl_TextureMatrix[0] : state.matrix.texture[0].transpose : c[49], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 gl_TextureMatrix[1] : state.matrix.texture[1].transpose : , 4 : -1 : 0 #var float4x4 gl_TextureMatrix[2] : state.matrix.texture[2].transpose : , 4 : -1 : 0 #var float4x4 gl_TextureMatrix[3] : state.matrix.texture[3].transpose : , 4 : -1 : 0 #var float4x4 gl_TextureMatrix[4] : state.matrix.texture[4].transpose : , 4 : -1 : 0 #var float4x4 gl_TextureMatrix[5] : state.matrix.texture[5].transpose : , 4 : -1 : 0 #var float4x4 gl_TextureMatrix[6] : state.matrix.texture[6].transpose : , 4 : -1 : 0 #var float4x4 gl_TextureMatrix[7] : state.matrix.texture[7].transpose : , 4 : -1 : 0 #var float4 gl_LightSource[0].ambient : state.light[0].ambient : c[169] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[0].diffuse : state.light[0].diffuse : c[170] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[0].specular : state.light[0].specular : c[171] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[0].position : state.light[0].position : c[172] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[0].halfVector : state.light[0].half : c[173] : -1 : 0 #var float3 gl_LightSource[0].spotDirection : state.light[0].spot.direction : c[177] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[0].spotExponent : state.light[0].attenuation.w : c[180] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[0].spotCutoff : state.light[0].spot.cutoff.x : c[176] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[0].spotCosCutoff : state.light[0].spot.direction.w : c[177] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[0].constantAttenuation : state.light[0].attenuation.x : c[180] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[0].linearAttenuation : state.light[0].attenuation.y : c[180] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[0].quadraticAttenuation : state.light[0].attenuation.z : c[180] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[1].ambient : state.light[1].ambient : c[181] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[1].diffuse : state.light[1].diffuse : c[182] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[1].specular : state.light[1].specular : c[183] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[1].position : state.light[1].position : c[184] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[1].halfVector : state.light[1].half : c[185] : -1 : 0 #var float3 gl_LightSource[1].spotDirection : state.light[1].spot.direction : c[189] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[1].spotExponent : state.light[1].attenuation.w : c[192] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[1].spotCutoff : state.light[1].spot.cutoff.x : c[188] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[1].spotCosCutoff : state.light[1].spot.direction.w : c[189] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[1].constantAttenuation : state.light[1].attenuation.x : c[192] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[1].linearAttenuation : state.light[1].attenuation.y : c[192] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[1].quadraticAttenuation : state.light[1].attenuation.z : c[192] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[2].ambient : state.light[2].ambient : c[193] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[2].diffuse : state.light[2].diffuse : c[194] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[2].specular : state.light[2].specular : c[195] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[2].position : state.light[2].position : c[196] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[2].halfVector : state.light[2].half : c[197] : -1 : 0 #var float3 gl_LightSource[2].spotDirection : state.light[2].spot.direction : c[201] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[2].spotExponent : state.light[2].attenuation.w : c[204] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[2].spotCutoff : state.light[2].spot.cutoff.x : c[200] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[2].spotCosCutoff : state.light[2].spot.direction.w : c[201] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[2].constantAttenuation : state.light[2].attenuation.x : c[204] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[2].linearAttenuation : state.light[2].attenuation.y : c[204] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[2].quadraticAttenuation : state.light[2].attenuation.z : c[204] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[3].ambient : state.light[3].ambient : c[205] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[3].diffuse : state.light[3].diffuse : c[206] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[3].specular : state.light[3].specular : c[207] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[3].position : state.light[3].position : c[208] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[3].halfVector : state.light[3].half : c[209] : -1 : 0 #var float3 gl_LightSource[3].spotDirection : state.light[3].spot.direction : c[213] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[3].spotExponent : state.light[3].attenuation.w : c[216] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[3].spotCutoff : state.light[3].spot.cutoff.x : c[212] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[3].spotCosCutoff : state.light[3].spot.direction.w : c[213] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[3].constantAttenuation : state.light[3].attenuation.x : c[216] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[3].linearAttenuation : state.light[3].attenuation.y : c[216] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[3].quadraticAttenuation : state.light[3].attenuation.z : c[216] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[4].ambient : state.light[4].ambient : c[217] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[4].diffuse : state.light[4].diffuse : c[218] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[4].specular : state.light[4].specular : c[219] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[4].position : state.light[4].position : c[220] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[4].halfVector : state.light[4].half : c[221] : -1 : 0 #var float3 gl_LightSource[4].spotDirection : state.light[4].spot.direction : c[225] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[4].spotExponent : state.light[4].attenuation.w : c[228] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[4].spotCutoff : state.light[4].spot.cutoff.x : c[224] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[4].spotCosCutoff : state.light[4].spot.direction.w : c[225] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[4].constantAttenuation : state.light[4].attenuation.x : c[228] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[4].linearAttenuation : state.light[4].attenuation.y : c[228] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[4].quadraticAttenuation : state.light[4].attenuation.z : c[228] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[5].ambient : state.light[5].ambient : c[229] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[5].diffuse : state.light[5].diffuse : c[230] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[5].specular : state.light[5].specular : c[231] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[5].position : state.light[5].position : c[232] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[5].halfVector : state.light[5].half : c[233] : -1 : 0 #var float3 gl_LightSource[5].spotDirection : state.light[5].spot.direction : c[237] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[5].spotExponent : state.light[5].attenuation.w : c[240] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[5].spotCutoff : state.light[5].spot.cutoff.x : c[236] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[5].spotCosCutoff : state.light[5].spot.direction.w : c[237] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[5].constantAttenuation : state.light[5].attenuation.x : c[240] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[5].linearAttenuation : state.light[5].attenuation.y : c[240] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[5].quadraticAttenuation : state.light[5].attenuation.z : c[240] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[6].ambient : state.light[6].ambient : c[241] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[6].diffuse : state.light[6].diffuse : c[242] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[6].specular : state.light[6].specular : c[243] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[6].position : state.light[6].position : c[244] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[6].halfVector : state.light[6].half : c[245] : -1 : 0 #var float3 gl_LightSource[6].spotDirection : state.light[6].spot.direction : c[249] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[6].spotExponent : state.light[6].attenuation.w : c[252] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[6].spotCutoff : state.light[6].spot.cutoff.x : c[248] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[6].spotCosCutoff : state.light[6].spot.direction.w : c[249] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[6].constantAttenuation : state.light[6].attenuation.x : c[252] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[6].linearAttenuation : state.light[6].attenuation.y : c[252] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[6].quadraticAttenuation : state.light[6].attenuation.z : c[252] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[7].ambient : state.light[7].ambient : c[253] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[7].diffuse : state.light[7].diffuse : c[254] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[7].specular : state.light[7].specular : c[255] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[7].position : state.light[7].position : c[256] : -1 : 1 #var float4 gl_LightSource[7].halfVector : state.light[7].half : c[257] : -1 : 0 #var float3 gl_LightSource[7].spotDirection : state.light[7].spot.direction : c[261] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[7].spotExponent : state.light[7].attenuation.w : c[264] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[7].spotCutoff : state.light[7].spot.cutoff.x : c[260] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[7].spotCosCutoff : state.light[7].spot.direction.w : c[261] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[7].constantAttenuation : state.light[7].attenuation.x : c[264] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[7].linearAttenuation : state.light[7].attenuation.y : c[264] : -1 : 1 #var float gl_LightSource[7].quadraticAttenuation : state.light[7].attenuation.z : c[264] : -1 : 1 #var float4 pspTexture : $vin.ATTR1 : ATTR1 : -1 : 1 #var float4 pspColor : $vin.ATTR2 : ATTR2 : -1 : 1 #var float3 pspNormal : $vin.ATTR3 : ATTR3 : -1 : 1 #var float4 pspPosition : $vin.ATTR0 : ATTR0 : -1 : 1 #var float4 pspWeights1 : $vin.ATTR4 : ATTR4 : -1 : 1 #var float4 pspWeights2 : $vin.ATTR5 : ATTR5 : -1 : 1 #var int3 psp_matFlags : : c[149] : -1 : 1 #var int4 psp_lightType : : : -1 : 0 #var int4 psp_lightKind : : c[150] : -1 : 1 #var int4 psp_lightEnabled : : c[151] : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 psp_boneMatrix[0] : : c[0], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 psp_boneMatrix[1] : : c[4], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 psp_boneMatrix[2] : : c[8], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 psp_boneMatrix[3] : : c[12], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 psp_boneMatrix[4] : : c[16], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 psp_boneMatrix[5] : : c[20], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 psp_boneMatrix[6] : : c[24], 4 : -1 : 1 #var float4x4 psp_boneMatrix[7] : : c[28], 4 : -1 : 1 #var int psp_numberBones : : c[152] : -1 : 1 #var bool texEnable : : c[153] : -1 : 1 #var int texMapMode : : c[154] : -1 : 1 #var int texMapProj : : c[155] : -1 : 1 #var int2 texShade : : c[156] : -1 : 1 #var bool lightingEnable : : c[157] : -1 : 1 #var bool colorAddition : : c[158] : -1 : 1 #var int vinfoColor : : c[159] : -1 : 1 #var int vinfoPosition : : c[160] : -1 : 1 #var int vinfoTexture : : c[161] : -1 : 1 #var int vinfoNormal : : c[162] : -1 : 1 #var bool vinfoTransform2D : : c[163] : -1 : 1 #var float positionScale : : c[164] : -1 : 1 #var float normalScale : : c[165] : -1 : 1 #var float textureScale : : c[166] : -1 : 1 #var float weightScale : : c[167] : -1 : 1 #var float4 vertexColor : : c[168] : -1 : 1 #const c[53] = 8 0 1 4 #const c[54] = 0.00048828125 0.25 0.03125 0.015625 #const c[55] = 64 0.0625 32 0.0039215689 #const c[56] = 5 0.0009765625 3.0517578e-005 6 #const c[57] = 0.00390625 0.00024414063 16 7 #const c[60] = 256 2 65536 3 #const c[61] = 65535 180 12 0.5 #const c[64] = 0 1 2 PARAM c[265] = { program.local[0..31], state.matrix.modelview.transpose.row[0..3], state.matrix.modelview.inverse.row[0..2], state.matrix.mvp.transpose.row[0..3], state.material.front.emission, state.material.front.ambient, state.material.front.diffuse, state.material.front.specular, state.material.front.shininess, state.lightmodel.ambient, state.matrix.texture[0].transpose.row[0..3], { 8, 0, 1, 4 }, { 0.00048828125, 0.25, 0.03125, 0.015625 }, { 64, 0.0625, 32, 0.0039215689 }, { 5, 0.0009765625, 3.0517578e-005, 6 }, { 0.00390625, 0.00024414063, 16, 7 }, program.local[58..59], { 256, 2, 65536, 3 }, { 65535, 180, 12, 0.5 }, program.local[62..63], { 0, 1, 2 }, program.local[65..168], state.light[0].ambient, state.light[0].diffuse, state.light[0].specular, state.light[0].position, program.local[173..175], state.light[0].spot.cutoff, state.light[0].spot.direction, program.local[178..179], state.light[0].attenuation, state.light[1].ambient, state.light[1].diffuse, state.light[1].specular, state.light[1].position, program.local[185..187], state.light[1].spot.cutoff, state.light[1].spot.direction, program.local[190..191], state.light[1].attenuation, state.light[2].ambient, state.light[2].diffuse, state.light[2].specular, state.light[2].position, program.local[197..199], state.light[2].spot.cutoff, state.light[2].spot.direction, program.local[202..203], state.light[2].attenuation, state.light[3].ambient, state.light[3].diffuse, state.light[3].specular, state.light[3].position, program.local[209..211], state.light[3].spot.cutoff, state.light[3].spot.direction, program.local[214..215], state.light[3].attenuation, state.light[4].ambient, state.light[4].diffuse, state.light[4].specular, state.light[4].position, program.local[221..223], state.light[4].spot.cutoff, state.light[4].spot.direction, program.local[226..227], state.light[4].attenuation, state.light[5].ambient, state.light[5].diffuse, state.light[5].specular, state.light[5].position, program.local[233..235], state.light[5].spot.cutoff, state.light[5].spot.direction, program.local[238..239], state.light[5].attenuation, state.light[6].ambient, state.light[6].diffuse, state.light[6].specular, state.light[6].position, program.local[245..247], state.light[6].spot.cutoff, state.light[6].spot.direction, program.local[250..251], state.light[6].attenuation, state.light[7].ambient, state.light[7].diffuse, state.light[7].specular, state.light[7].position, program.local[257..259], state.light[7].spot.cutoff, state.light[7].spot.direction, program.local[262..263], state.light[7].attenuation }; TEMP R0; TEMP R1; TEMP R2; TEMP R3; TEMP R4; TEMP R5; TEMP R6; TEMP R7; TEMP R8; TEMP R9; TEMP R10; TEMP R11; TEMP R12; TEMP R13; TEMP R14; TEMP RC, HC; ADDRESS A0; BB0: MOV R7.xyz, c[53].xyww; MOV R0, c[53].y; MOV R2, c[53].y; SNEC HC.x, c[159], R7; MOV R2(NE.x), vertex.attrib[2]; MOV R1, c[53].y; SNEC HC.x, c[161], R7.y; MOV R1(NE.x), vertex.attrib[1]; SNEC HC.x, c[160], R7.y; MOV R0(NE.x), vertex.attrib[0]; SNEC HC.x, c[162], R7.y; MOV R4.xyz, c[53].zyyw; MOV R4.xyz(NE.x), vertex.attrib[3]; SEQC HC.x, c[159], R7.z; MOV R6, R0; MOV R5.xyz, R0; MOV R0, R1; MOV R3, R2; BRA BB2 (LE.x); BB1: FLR R2.x, |R3|; MOV R3.y, R2.x; MOVC RC.x, R3; MOV R3.y(LT.x), -R2.x; MUL R2.xy, R3.y, c[54].xzzw; FLR R2.zw, |R2.xyxy|; MOV R3.x, R2.w; MOVC RC.xy, R2; MOV R3.x(LT.y), -R2.w; MUL R2.y, R3.x, c[54].w; FLR R2.w, |R2.y|; MOV R2.x, R2.w; MOVC RC.y, R2; MOV R2.x(LT.y), -R2.w; MAD R2.y, -R2.x, c[55].x, R3.x; MUL R2.w, R2.y, c[55].y; FLR R3.z, |R2.w|; MOVC RC.y, R2.w; MOV R2.w, R2.z; MOV R2.x, R3.z; MOV R2.x(LT.y), -R3.z; MOV R2.w(LT.x), -R2.z; MUL R3.z, R2.w, c[54].y; FLR R3.w, |R3.z|; MOV R2.z, R3.w; MOVC RC.x, R3.z; MOV R2.z(LT.x), -R3.w; MAD R3.y, -R3.x, c[55].z, R3; MUL R3.z, R3.y, c[54].y; FLR R3.w, |R3.z|; MAD R2.z, R2.w, c[53].x, R2; MAD R2.y, R2, c[53].w, R2.x; MOV R3.x, R3.w; MOVC RC.x, R3.z; MOV R3.x(LT), -R3.w; MAD R2.x, R3.y, c[53], R3; MUL R2.xyz, R2, c[55].w; MOV R2.w, c[53].z; BRA BB9; BB2: MOV R4.w, c[56].x; SEQC HC.x, c[159], R4.w; BRA BB4 (LE.x); BB3: FLR R2.x, |R3|; MOV R3.w, R2.x; MOVC RC.x, R3; MOV R3.w(LT.x), -R2.x; MUL R2.x, R3.w, c[54].z; FLR R2.y, |R2.x|; MOV R3.x, R2.y; MOVC RC.x, R2; MOV R3.x(LT), -R2.y; MUL R2.y, R3.x, c[54].z; FLR R2.z, |R2.y|; MOV R2.x, R2.z; MOVC RC.x, R2.y; MOV R2.x(LT), -R2.z; MAD R3.z, -R2.x, c[55], R3.x; MUL R2.x, R3.z, c[54].y; FLR R2.y, |R2.x|; MOV R3.y, R2; MOVC RC.x, R2; MOV R3.y(LT.x), -R2; MUL R2.xy, R3.w, c[56].yzzw; FLR R2.zw, |R2.xyxy|; MAD R3.w, -R3.x, c[55].z, R3; MOV R4.w, R2.z; MOVC RC.xy, R2; MOV R4.w(LT.x), -R2.z; MUL R2.y, R4.w, c[54].z; FLR R2.z, |R2.y|; MOV R2.x, R2.z; MOVC RC.x, R2.y; MOV R2.x(LT), -R2.z; MAD R2.z, -R2.x, c[55], R4.w; MUL R2.x, R2.z, c[54].y; FLR R4.w, |R2.x|; MOV R2.y, R4.w; MOVC RC.x, R2; MOV R2.y(LT.x), -R4.w; MUL R3.x, R3.w, c[54].y; FLR R4.w, |R3.x|; MAD R2.z, R2, c[53].x, R2.y; MOVC RC.x, R3; MOV R2.x, R4.w; MOV R3.x, R2.w; MOV R2.x(LT), -R4.w; MOV R3.x(LT.y), -R2.w; MAD R2.y, R3.z, c[53].x, R3; MAD R2.x, R3.w, c[53], R2; MUL R2.xyz, R2, c[55].w; MOV R2.w, R3.x; BRA BB8; BB4: MOV R4.w, c[56]; SEQC HC.x, c[159], R4.w; BRA BB6 (LE.x); BB5: FLR R2.x, |R3|; MOV R3.y, R2.x; MOVC RC.x, R3; MOV R3.y(LT.x), -R2.x; MUL R2.x, R3.y, c[55].y; FLR R2.y, |R2.x|; MOV R3.x, R2.y; MOVC RC.x, R2; MOV R3.x(LT), -R2.y; MUL R2.x, R3, c[55].y; FLR R2.y, |R2.x|; MOV R4.w, R2.y; MOVC RC.x, R2; MOV R4.w(LT.x), -R2.y; MUL R2.xy, R3.y, c[57]; FLR R2.zw, |R2.xyxy|; MOVC RC.xy, R2; MOV R3.w, R2.z; MOV R3.w(LT.x), -R2.z; MUL R2.y, R3.w, c[55]; FLR R2.z, |R2.y|; MOV R3.z, R2.w; MOV R3.z(LT.y), -R2.w; MOV R2.x, R2.z; MOVC RC.x, R2.y; MOV R2.x(LT), -R2.z; MAD R2.y, -R2.x, c[57].z, R3.w; MAD R2.x, -R4.w, c[57].z, R3; MAD R2.z, R2.y, c[57], R2.y; MAD R2.y, R2.x, c[57].z, R2.x; MAD R2.x, -R3, c[57].z, R3.y; MAD R2.x, R2, c[57].z, R2; MAD R2.w, R3.z, c[57].z, R3.z; MUL R2, R2, c[55].w; BRA BB7; BB6: MOV R4.w, c[57]; SEQ R4.w, c[159].x, R4; MOVC RC.x, R4.w; MUL R2(NE.x), R3, c[55].w; MOV R3.x, c[53]; SEQ R3.x, c[159], R3; SEQ R3.y, R4.w, c[53]; MULC HC.x, R3.y, R3; MOV R2(NE.x), c[168]; BB7: BB8: BB9: MOV R4.w, c[53].z; SEQC HC.x, c[160], R4.w; MOV R3, R2; MOV R7.xyz, R5; BRA BB11 (LE.x); BB10: SLT R4.w, R6.z, c[53].y; MOV R5.x, R7.z; MULC HC.x, R4.w, c[163]; ADD R5.x(NE), c[60], R6.z; MOV R7.z, R5.x; BRA BB15; BB11: MOV R4.w, c[60].y; SEQC HC.x, c[160], R4.w; BRA BB13 (LE.x); BB12: SLT R4.w, R6.z, c[53].y; MOV R5.x, R7.z; MULC HC.x, R4.w, c[163]; ADD R5.x(NE), c[60].z, R6.z; MOV R7.z, R5.x; BRA BB14; BB13: MIN R4.w, R6.z, c[61].x; MAX R5.x, R4.w, c[53].y; FLR R5.y, |R5.x|; MOV R4.w, R5.y; MOVC RC.x, R5; MOV R4.w(LT.x), -R5.y; MOV R5.z, R4.w; MOV R4.w, c[60]; SEQ R4.w, c[160].x, R4; MOV R5.xy, R7; MULC HC.x, R4.w, c[163]; MOV R7.xyz(NE.x), R5; BB14: BB15: MOV R11.xy, c[53].zyzw; ADD R10.w, c[152].x, -R11.x; SEQ R9.xy, R10.w, c[56].wxzw; SEQ R5.w, R10, c[57]; ADD_SAT R5.w, R5, R9.x; ADD_SAT R5.w, R9.y, R5; SEQ R9.zw, R10.w, c[53].xywz; SEQ R9.xy, R10.w, c[60].wyzw; ADD_SAT R5.w, R9.z, R5; ADD_SAT R5.w, R9.x, R5; ADD_SAT R5.w, R9.y, R5; ADD_SAT R9.w, R9, R5; MOV R5.xyz, R7; RCP R4.w, c[164].x; MOVC RC.x, c[163]; MUL R5.xyz(EQ.x), R6, R4.w; RCP R4.w, c[165].x; SEQ R11.x, c[152], R11; ADDC_SAT HC.x, R11, R9.w; RCP R8.x, c[167].x; MUL R6.xyz, R4, R4.w; MUL R4, vertex.attrib[4], R8.x; MOV R7.xyz, R5; MUL R8, R8.x, vertex.attrib[5]; MOV R10.xyz, c[53].y; MOV R9.xyz, c[53].y; SGT R5.w, c[152].x, R11.y; BRA BB31 (LE.x); BB16: SEQ R11.xy, R10.w, c[56].wxzw; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[57]; ADD_SAT R9.w, R9, R11.x; ADD_SAT R9.w, R11.y, R9; SEQ R11.xy, R10.w, c[53].wzzw; SEQ R11.zw, R10.w, c[60].xywy; ADD_SAT R9.w, R11.x, R9; ADD_SAT R9.w, R11.z, R9; ADD_SAT R9.w, R11, R9; ADDC_SAT HC.x, R11.y, R9.w; BRA BB30 (LE.x); BB17: SEQ R11.xy, R10.w, c[56].wxzw; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[57]; ADD_SAT R9.w, R9, R11.x; ADD_SAT R11.x, R11.y, R9.w; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[53]; ADD_SAT R9.w, R9, R11.x; SEQ R11.xy, R10.w, c[60].wyzw; ADD_SAT R9.w, R11.x, R9; ADDC_SAT HC.x, R11.y, R9.w; BRA BB29 (LE.x); BB18: SEQ R11.xy, R10.w, c[56].wxzw; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[57]; ADD_SAT R9.w, R9, R11.x; ADD_SAT R11.x, R11.y, R9.w; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[53]; ADD_SAT R11.x, R9.w, R11; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[60]; ADDC_SAT HC.x, R9.w, R11; BRA BB28 (LE.x); BB19: SEQ R11.xy, R10.w, c[56].wxzw; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[57]; ADD_SAT R9.w, R9, R11.x; ADD_SAT R11.x, R11.y, R9.w; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[53]; ADDC_SAT HC.x, R9.w, R11; BRA BB27 (LE.x); BB20: SEQ R11.xy, R10.w, c[56].wxzw; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[57]; ADD_SAT R9.w, R9, R11.x; ADDC_SAT HC.x, R11.y, R9.w; BRA BB26 (LE.x); BB21: SEQ R11.x, R10.w, c[56].w; SEQ R9.w, R10, c[57]; ADDC_SAT HC.x, R9.w, R11; BRA BB25 (LE.x); BB22: SEQC HC.x, R10.w, c[57].w; BRA BB24 (LE.x); BB23: MUL R9.xyz, R7.y, c[29]; MAD R10.xyz, R7.x, c[28], R9; MUL R9.xyz, R6.y, c[29]; MAD R10.xyz, R7.z, c[30], R10; MAD R9.xyz, R6.x, c[28], R9; ADD R10.xyz, c[31], R10; MAD R9.xyz, R6.z, c[30], R9; MUL R10.xyz, R10, R8.w; MUL R9.xyz, R8.w, R9; BB24: MUL R11.xyz, R7.y, c[25]; MAD R11.xyz, R7.x, c[24], R11; MUL R12.xyz, R6.y, c[25]; MAD R11.xyz, R7.z, c[26], R11; MAD R12.xyz, R6.x, c[24], R12; ADD R11.xyz, c[27], R11; MAD R12.xyz, R6.z, c[26], R12; MAD R10.xyz, R11, R8.z, R10; MAD R9.xyz, R8.z, R12, R9; BB25: MUL R11.xyz, R7.y, c[21]; MAD R11.xyz, R7.x, c[20], R11; MUL R12.xyz, R6.y, c[21]; MAD R11.xyz, R7.z, c[22], R11; MAD R12.xyz, R6.x, c[20], R12; ADD R11.xyz, c[23], R11; MAD R12.xyz, R6.z, c[22], R12; MAD R10.xyz, R11, R8.y, R10; MAD R9.xyz, R8.y, R12, R9; BB26: MUL R11.xyz, R7.y, c[17]; MAD R11.xyz, R7.x, c[16], R11; MUL R12.xyz, R6.y, c[17]; MAD R11.xyz, R7.z, c[18], R11; MAD R12.xyz, R6.x, c[16], R12; ADD R11.xyz, c[19], R11; MAD R12.xyz, R6.z, c[18], R12; MAD R10.xyz, R11, R8.x, R10; MAD R9.xyz, R8.x, R12, R9; BB27: MUL R8.xyz, R7.y, c[13]; MAD R8.xyz, R7.x, c[12], R8; MUL R11.xyz, R6.y, c[13]; MAD R8.xyz, R7.z, c[14], R8; MAD R11.xyz, R6.x, c[12], R11; ADD R8.xyz, c[15], R8; MAD R11.xyz, R6.z, c[14], R11; MAD R10.xyz, R8, R4.w, R10; MAD R9.xyz, R4.w, R11, R9; BB28: MUL R8.xyz, R7.y, c[9]; MAD R8.xyz, R7.x, c[8], R8; MUL R11.xyz, R6.y, c[9]; MAD R8.xyz, R7.z, c[10], R8; MAD R11.xyz, R6.x, c[8], R11; ADD R8.xyz, c[11], R8; MAD R11.xyz, R6.z, c[10], R11; MAD R10.xyz, R8, R4.z, R10; MAD R9.xyz, R4.z, R11, R9; BB29: MUL R8.xyz, R7.y, c[5]; MAD R8.xyz, R7.x, c[4], R8; MUL R11.xyz, R6.y, c[5]; MAD R8.xyz, R7.z, c[6], R8; MAD R11.xyz, R6.x, c[4], R11; ADD R8.xyz, c[7], R8; MAD R11.xyz, R6.z, c[6], R11; MAD R10.xyz, R8, R4.y, R10; MAD R9.xyz, R4.y, R11, R9; BB30: MUL R8.xyz, R7.y, c[1]; MAD R8.xyz, R7.x, c[0], R8; MAD R7.xyz, R7.z, c[2], R8; MUL R11.xyz, R6.y, c[1]; MAD R8.xyz, R6.x, c[0], R11; ADD R7.xyz, c[3], R7; MAD R8.xyz, R6.z, c[2], R8; MAD R10.xyz, R7, R4.x, R10; MAD R9.xyz, R4.x, R8, R9; BB31: MOV R7.xyz, R10; MOVC RC.x, R5.w; MOV R7.xyz(EQ.x), R5; MOV R5.xyz, R9; MOV R5.xyz(EQ.x), R6; MUL R6.xyz, R5.y, c[37]; MAD R6.xyz, R5.x, c[36], R6; MAD R6.xyz, R5.z, c[38], R6; MUL R4.xyz, R7.y, c[33]; MAD R4.xyz, R7.x, c[32], R4; MAD R4.xyz, R7.z, c[34], R4; MAD R8.xyz, R6.w, c[35], R4; MAD R9.xyz, -R8, c[184].w, c[184]; DP3 R4.x, R9, R9; RSQ R10.w, R4.x; DP3 R4.w, R6, R6; RSQ R4.w, R4.w; MUL R11.xyz, R4.w, R6; MUL R4.xyz, R10.w, R9; DP3 R4.x, R11, R4; MAX R4.x, R4, c[53].y; MOV R8.w, c[53].y; MOV R13.w, c[53].z; MOV R9.w, R4.x; POW R10.x, R4.x, c[47].x; MOV R4.x, c[60].y; SEQ R5, c[150].wzyx, R4.x; SNE R4, c[151].wzyx, R8.w; MUL R4, R4, c[157].x; SEQ R5, R5, c[53].y; MULC HC, R4, R5; MAX R9.w(EQ.z), R10.x, c[53].y; MAD R10.xyz, -R8, c[172].w, c[172]; DP3 R5.x, R10, R10; RSQ R13.x, R5.x; MUL R5.xyz, R13.x, R10; DP3 R5.x, R11, R5; MAX R5.x, R5, c[53].y; MOV R12.w, R5.x; POW R5.x, R5.x, c[47].x; MAX R12.w(EQ), R5.x, c[53].y; ADD R5.xyz, c[53].yyzw, R9; DP3 R5.w, R5, R5; RSQ R5.w, R5.w; MUL R5.xyz, R5.w, R5; DP3 R5.x, R11, R5; MAX R5.x, R5, c[53].y; POW R12.x, R5.x, c[47].x; SNE R5, c[150].wzyx, R8.w; SEQ R5, R5, c[53].y; MUL R5, R4, R5; MOVC RC.w, R5; DP3 R5.w, c[177], c[177]; MOVC1 RC, R4.wzyx; MOVC RC.z, R5; MOV R11.w, c[53].y; MAX R11.w(EQ.z), R12.x, c[53].y; ADD R12.xyz, c[53].yyzw, R10; DP3 R5.z, R12, R12; RSQ R5.z, R5.z; MUL R12.xyz, R5.z, R12; DP3 R5.z, R11, R12; MAX R5.z, R5, c[53].y; POW R12.x, R5.z, c[47].x; MOV R5.z, c[53].y; MAX R5.z(EQ.w), R12.x, c[53].y; RSQ R5.w, R5.w; MUL R12.xyz, R5.w, c[177]; DP3 R12.x, -R10, R12; SLT R5.w, R12.x, c[177]; SEQ R12.y, R5.w, c[53]; MOV R5.w, c[61].y; SNE R10.y, c[172].w, R8.w; MUL R10.y, R4.w, R10; SLT R10.x, c[176], R5.w; MUL R10.z, R10.y, R10.x; DP3 R4.w, c[189], c[189]; MULC HC.z, R10, R12.y; MOV R10.x, c[53].y; POW R10.x(NE.z), R12.x, c[180].w; RCP R12.x, R13.x; MUL R12.y, R12.x, c[180].z; ADD R12.y, c[180], R12; MOV R13.xyz, c[53].y; MOVC RC.z, R10.y; MAD R12.x, R12.y, R12, c[180]; RCP_SAT R13.w(NE.z), R12.x; MOVC RC.z, R10; MUL R13.w(NE.z), R13, R10.x; MOV R10.xyz, c[53].y; MUL R12.xyz, R13.w, c[170]; MUL R10.xyz(NE1.x), R12, R12.w; MUL R12.xyz, R13.w, c[171]; MUL R13.xyz(NE1.x), R12, R5.z; SNE R5.z, c[184].w, R8.w; MUL R5.z, R4, R5; MOV R12.xyz, c[48]; MUL R14.xyz, R13.w, c[169]; ADD R12.xyz(NE1.x), c[48], R14; RSQ R4.w, R4.w; MUL R14.xyz, R4.w, c[189]; DP3 R9.y, -R9, R14; SLT R4.w, R9.y, c[189]; SEQ R9.z, R4.w, c[53].y; SLT R4.w, c[188].x, R5; MUL R9.x, R5.z, R4.w; MOV R4.w, c[53].y; MULC HC.z, R9.x, R9; POW R4.w(NE.z), R9.y, c[192].w; RCP R4.z, R10.w; MUL R9.y, R4.z, c[192].z; ADD R9.y, c[192], R9; MAD R9.y, R9, R4.z, c[192].x; MOV R4.z, c[53]; MOVC RC.z, R5; RCP_SAT R4.z(NE), R9.y; MOVC RC.z, R9.x; MUL R4.z(NE), R4, R4.w; MUL R9.xyz, R4.z, c[182]; MAD R10.xyz(NE1.y), R9, R9.w, R10; MUL R9.xyz, R4.z, c[183]; MAD R13.xyz(NE1.y), R9, R11.w, R13; MAD R9.xyz, -R8, c[196].w, c[196]; MAD R12.xyz(NE1.y), R4.z, c[181], R12; DP3 R4.z, R9, R9; RSQ R4.w, R4.z; MUL R14.xyz, R4.w, R9; DP3 R4.z, R11, R14; MAX R5.z, R4, c[53].y; MOV R4.z, R5; POW R5.z, R5.z, c[47].x; MAX R4.z(EQ.y), R5, c[53].y; ADD R14.xyz, c[53].yyzw, R9; MOVC RC.y, R5; DP3 R5.z, R14, R14; RSQ R5.z, R5.z; MUL R14.xyz, R5.z, R14; DP3 R5.z, R11, R14; MAX R5.z, R5, c[53].y; POW R9.w, R5.z, c[47].x; MOV R5.z, c[53].y; DP3 R5.y, c[201], c[201]; RSQ R5.y, R5.y; MUL R14.xyz, R5.y, c[201]; DP3 R9.z, -R9, R14; SNE R9.x, c[196].w, R8.w; MUL R9.x, R4.y, R9; RCP R4.y, R4.w; MUL R4.w, R4.y, c[204].z; ADD R4.w, c[204].y, R4; MAD R4.w, R4, R4.y, c[204].x; MOV R4.y, c[53].z; MAD R8.xyz, -R8, c[208].w, c[208]; MAX R5.z(EQ.y), R9.w, c[53].y; SLT R5.y, R9.z, c[201].w; SEQ R9.w, R5.y, c[53].y; SLT R5.y, c[200].x, R5.w; MUL R9.y, R9.x, R5; MOV R5.y, c[53]; MULC HC.y, R9, R9.w; POW R5.y(NE), R9.z, c[204].w; MOVC RC.y, R9.x; RCP_SAT R4.y(NE), R4.w; MOVC RC.y, R9; MUL R4.y(NE), R4, R5; MUL R9.xyz, R4.y, c[194]; MAD R10.xyz(NE1.z), R9, R4.z, R10; MUL R9.xyz, R4.y, c[195]; MAD R12.xyz(NE1.z), R4.y, c[193], R12; DP3 R4.y, R8, R8; MAD R13.xyz(NE1.z), R9, R5.z, R13; RSQ R4.y, R4.y; MUL R9.xyz, R4.y, R8; DP3 R4.z, R9, R11; MAX R4.z, R4, c[53].y; MOV R4.w, R4.z; POW R4.z, R4.z, c[47].x; MAX R4.w(EQ.x), R4.z, c[53].y; ADD R9.xyz, c[53].yyzw, R8; DP3 R4.z, R9, R9; RSQ R4.z, R4.z; MUL R9.xyz, R4.z, R9; DP3 R4.z, R11, R9; MAX R4.z, R4, c[53].y; MOV R9.x, c[53].y; MOVC RC.x, R5; POW R4.z, R4.z, c[47].x; MAX R9.x(EQ), R4.z, c[53].y; DP3 R4.z, c[213], c[213]; RSQ R4.z, R4.z; MUL R5.xyz, R4.z, c[213]; DP3 R5.x, -R8, R5; SLT R4.z, R5.x, c[213].w; SEQ R5.y, R4.z, c[53]; SNE R4.z, c[208].w, R8.w; MUL R4.x, R4, R4.z; SLT R5.z, c[212].x, R5.w; MUL R5.z, R4.x, R5; MOV R4.z, c[53].y; MULC HC.x, R5.z, R5.y; POW R4.z(NE.x), R5.x, c[216].w; RCP R4.y, R4.y; MUL R5.x, R4.y, c[216].z; ADD R5.x, c[216].y, R5; MAD R4.y, R5.x, R4, c[216].x; MOV R5.x, c[53].z; MOVC RC.x, R4; RCP_SAT R5.x(NE), R4.y; MOVC RC.x, R5.z; MUL R5.x(NE), R5, R4.z; MUL R4.xyz, R5.x, c[206]; MAD R10.xyz(NE1.w), R4, R4.w, R10; MUL R4.xyz, R5.x, c[207]; MAD R13.xyz(NE1.w), R4, R9.x, R13; SNE R4.xyz, c[149], R8.w; MAD R12.xyz(NE1.w), R5.x, c[205], R12; SEQ R5.xyz, R4, c[53].y; MULC HC.xyz, R5, c[157].x; MOV R4, R2; MOV R8.xyz, R2; MOV R9.xyz, R2; MOV R2.xyz, R7; MOV R4(NE.x), c[44]; MOV R5.xyz, R2; MOVC RC.x, c[158]; MOV R8.xyz(NE.y), c[45]; MOV R9.xyz(NE.z), c[46]; MOV R2, c[53].y; BRA BB33 (LE.x); BB32: MAD R2.xyz, R12, R4, c[43]; MAD_SAT R4.xyz, R10, R8, R2; MUL_SAT R2.xyz, R13, R9; MOV R2.w, c[53].y; BRA BB34; BB33: MAD R4.xyz, R12, R4, c[43]; MAD R4.xyz, R10, R8, R4; MAD_SAT R4.xyz, R13, R9, R4; BB34: MOVC RC.x, c[157]; MUL R4.w, R4, c[48]; MOV R4(EQ.x), R3; MOV R3, R4; MOV R2(EQ.x), c[53].y; RCP R4.x, c[166].x; MOVC RC.x, c[154]; MUL R4.xy, R0, R4.x; MOV R4.zw, R1; MOV R5.w, c[153].x; BRA BB36 (NE.x); BB35: MUL R0.xy, R4.y, c[50]; MAD R0.xy, R4.x, c[49], R0; MAD R0.xy, R0.z, c[51], R0; MAD R4.xy, R0.w, c[52], R0; MOV R4.z, c[53]; BRA BB49; BB36: MOV R0.x, c[53].z; SEQC HC.x, c[154], R0; BRA BB47 (LE.x); BB37: MOVC RC.x, c[155]; BRA BB39 (NE.x); BB38: MUL R0.xyz, R5.y, c[50]; MAD R0.xyz, R5.x, c[49], R0; MAD R0.xyz, R5.z, c[51], R0; ADD R4.xyz, c[52], R0; BRA BB46; BB39: MOV R0.x, c[53].z; SEQC HC.x, c[155], R0; BRA BB41 (LE.x); BB40: MUL R0.xyz, R4.y, c[50]; MAD R0.xyz, R4.x, c[49], R0; ADD R0.xyz, c[52], R0; ADD R4.xyz, c[53].y, R0; BRA BB45; BB41: MOV R0.x, c[60].y; SEQC HC.x, c[155], R0; BRA BB43 (LE.x); BB42: DP3 R0.x, R6, R6; RSQ R0.x, R0.x; MUL R0.xyz, R0.x, R6; MUL R4.xyz, R0.y, c[50]; MAD R4.xyz, R0.x, c[49], R4; MAD R0.xyz, R0.z, c[51], R4; ADD R4.xyz, c[52], R0; BRA BB44; BB43: MUL R0.xyz, R6.y, c[50]; MAD R0.xyz, R6.x, c[49], R0; MOV R0.w, c[60]; SEQ R5.w, c[155].x, R0; MAD R0.xyz, R6.z, c[51], R0; MULC HC.x, R5.w, R5.w; ADD R4.xyz(NE.x), c[52], R0; BB44: BB45: BB46: BRA BB48; BB47: MOV R0.xyz, c[64]; SEQ R7.xyz, c[156].y, R0; MOV R0.w, c[60].y; SEQ R0.w, c[154].x, R0; MUL R0.w, R0, c[153].x; SEQ R0.xyz, c[156].x, R0; MOV R8.x, c[53].y; MULC HC.x, R0.w, R7; MOV R8.x(EQ), c[53].z; MOV R5.w, c[150].x; MOV R5.w(EQ.x), R7; MUL R7.x, R0.w, R8; MULC HC.x, R7, R7.y; MOV R8.x(NE), c[53].y; MUL R7.x, R7, R8; MOV R5.w(NE.x), c[150].y; MULC HC.x, R7, R7.z; MOV R7.y, R8.x; MOV R8.w, c[150].x; MOV R7.y(NE.x), c[53]; MOV R5.w(NE.x), c[150].z; MULC HC.x, R7, R7.y; MOV R5.w(NE.x), c[150]; MULC HC.x, R0.w, R0; MOV R7.x, c[53].y; MOV R7.x(EQ), c[53].z; MOV R8.w(EQ.x), R7; MUL R0.x, R0.w, R7; MULC HC.x, R0, R0.y; MOV R7.x(NE), c[53].y; SEQ R5.w, R5, c[53].y; MUL R0.x, R0, R7; MOV R8.w(NE.x), c[150].y; MOV R0.y, R7.x; MULC HC.x, R0, R0.z; MOV R7.x, c[61].z; MUL R7.xy, R7.x, c[156]; ARL A0.xy, R7; MOV R0.y(NE.x), c[53]; MOV R8.w(NE.x), c[150].z; MULC HC.x, R0, R0.y; MUL R0.xyz, R5.y, c[33]; MAD R0.xyz, R5.x, c[32], R0; MAD R0.xyz, R5.z, c[34], R0; MAD R0.xyz, R6.w, c[35], R0; MUL R7.xyz, -R0, c[A0.y + 172].w; ADD R8.xyz, R7, c[A0.y + 172]; DP3 R7.x, R8, R8; RSQ R9.x, R7.x; ADD R7.xyz, c[53].yyzw, R8; MUL R8.xyz, R9.x, R8; DP3 R9.y, R7, R7; DP3 R9.x, R6, R6; RSQ R9.y, R9.y; RSQ R9.x, R9.x; MUL R6.xyz, R9.x, R6; MUL R7.xyz, R9.y, R7; MUL R0.xyz, -R0, c[A0.x + 172].w; DP3 R8.x, R6, R8; ADD R0.xyz, R0, c[A0.x + 172]; DP3 R8.y, R0, R0; DP3 R7.x, R6, R7; MOV R8.w(NE.x), c[150]; SEQ R7.w, R5, c[53].y; MULC HC.x, R0.w, R7.w; POW R8.x(NE), R7.x, c[47].x; SEQ R7.x, R8.w, c[53].y; SEQ R7.w, R7.x, c[53].y; ADD R7.xyz, c[53].yyzw, R0; DP3 R8.z, R7, R7; RSQ R8.z, R8.z; RSQ R8.y, R8.y; MUL R0.xyz, R8.y, R0; DP3 R0.x, R6, R0; MUL R7.xyz, R8.z, R7; MULC HC.x, R0.w, R7.w; DP3 R7.x, R6, R7; POW R0.x(NE), R7.x, c[47].x; ADD R0.y, c[53].z, R8.x; ADD R0.x, c[53].z, R0; MUL R0.xy, R0, c[61].w; MOV R0.z, c[53]; MOVC RC.x, R0.w; MOV R4.xyz(NE.x), R0; BB48: BB49: MUL R0, R5.y, c[40]; MAD R0, R5.x, c[39], R0; MAD R0, R5.z, c[41], R0; MOV result.texcoord[0], R4; MOVC RC.x, R5.w; MOV result.texcoord[0](EQ.x), R1; MAD result.position, R6.w, c[42], R0; MOV result.color, R3; MOV result.color.secondary, R2; END # 722 instructions, 15 R-regs 15:48:53 WARN ge - GUI - Shaders do not run correctly on your computer. They have been automatically disabled. 15:48:53 INFO ge - GUI - Using Async Vertex Cache 15:48:56 INFO runtime - Emu - Using Compiler 15:48:56 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089E85E4 by Native Code 'strlen' 15:48:56 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08806128 by Native Code 'nop' 15:48:56 INFO hle.scePower - user_main - scePowerRegisterCallback slot=0xFFFFFFFF, uid=0x10 15:48:56 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0888A0E0 by Native Code 'nop' 15:48:56 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0300) PSP_MODULE_AV_AVCODEC loaded 15:48:56 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0302) PSP_MODULE_AV_ATRAC3PLUS loaded 15:48:56 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0303) PSP_MODULE_AV_MPEGBASE loaded 15:48:56 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0301) PSP_MODULE_AV_SASCORE loaded 15:48:56 INFO hle.sceMpeg - user_main - sceMpegInit 15:48:57 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089E85A0 by Native Code 'strcpy' 15:48:57 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089D7C50 by Native Code 'nop' 15:48:57 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089E836C by Native Code 'memcpy' 15:48:57 INFO hle.scePower - user_main - scePowerRegisterCallback slot=0xFFFFFFFF, uid=0x1C 15:48:57 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089F2C2C by Native Code 'ULongIntegerDiv' 15:48:57 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0301) PSP_MODULE_AV_SASCORE loaded 15:48:57 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089DEFF0 by Native Code 'nop' 15:48:57 INFO stdout - user_main - CRIL_SystemInit -> ADX2???C?u?????@???? 15:48:57 INFO stdout - user_main - CRIL_SystemInit -> ALLOCATOR SYSTEM OFF 15:48:57 INFO compiler - CRI Server Manager - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0899CAC8 by Native Code 'nop' 15:48:58 INFO compiler - CRI Server Manager - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089C85A8 by Native Code 'nop' 15:48:58 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089E8660 by Native Code 'strncmp' 15:48:58 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/USRDIR/UMD.cpk flags = 4001 permissions = 020644 15:48:58 WARN emu - CRI FS File Access 0 - Sector number 863231 out of ISO (numSectors=863231) 15:48:58 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089E856C by Native Code 'strcmp' 15:48:58 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/USRDIR/UMD.cpk flags = 4001 permissions = 020644 15:48:58 WARN emu - CRI FS File Access 0 - Sector number 863231 out of ISO (numSectors=863231) 15:48:58 INFO stdout - user_main - CRIL_SetBinder -> criFsBinder_BindCpk : COMPLETE -> disc0:./PSP_GAME/USRDIR/UMD.cpk 15:48:58 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/INSDIR/INSTALL.DNS flags = 40004001 permissions = 020644 15:48:58 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/INSDIR/INSTALL.DNS flags = 40004001 permissions = 020644 15:48:58 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = ms0:/psp/SAVEDATA/ULJM06266DAT/INSTALL.DNS flags = 40004001 permissions = 020644 15:48:59 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/USRDIR/adx2/system_sound.acf flags = 4001 permissions = 020644 15:48:59 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/USRDIR/adx2/system_sound.acf flags = 4001 permissions = 020644 15:48:59 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/USRDIR/adx2/system_sound.acf flags = 4001 permissions = 020644 15:48:59 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/USRDIR/adx2/system_sound.acb flags = 4001 permissions = 020644 15:48:59 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/USRDIR/adx2/system_sound.acb flags = 4001 permissions = 020644 15:48:59 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - CRI FS File Access 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:./PSP_GAME/USRDIR/adx2/system_sound.acb flags = 4001 permissions = 020644 15:48:59 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089D8C08 by Native Code 'nop' 15:48:59 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089E82D8 by Native Code 'memcmp' 15:48:59 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0300) PSP_MODULE_AV_AVCODEC loaded 15:48:59 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0302) PSP_MODULE_AV_ATRAC3PLUS loaded 15:48:59 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0300) PSP_MODULE_AV_AVCODEC loaded 15:48:59 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0302) PSP_MODULE_AV_ATRAC3PLUS loaded 15:48:59 INFO hle.sceMpeg - user_main - sceMpegInit 15:48:59 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089795DC by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:00 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=0 15:49:02 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882D60C by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:02 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088274C8 by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:02 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 15:49:02 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_88B3B0C (1352/1000) 15:49:02 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088A7E30 by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:02 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_88040CC (1019/1000) 15:49:02 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089F75B0-0x089F767C by Native Code 'sceGuDrawArray' 15:49:02 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=20 15:49:02 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=20 15:49:02 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_892FFA0 (1022/1000) 15:49:02 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 15:49:03 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089F81D8 by Native Code 'sceGuTexImage' 15:49:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089F7A38 by Native Code 'sceGuCopyImage' 15:49:14 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088489FC by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:14 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0891138C by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:14 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089E86C4 by Native Code 'strncpy' 15:49:14 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x08C3CBC0-0x08C3D1C0: Address 0x08C3CBC0, mode=0(AUTOLOAD), gameName=ULJM06266, saveName=DATASYS, fileName=SECURE.BIN, secureVersion=0 15:49:14 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_88B1C3C (1240/1000) 15:49:14 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_89E87D4 (1081/1000) 15:49:15 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089F7680-0x089F7764 by Native Code 'sceGuDrawArrayN' 15:49:45 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x21, unk2=0xEF, EPMapOffset=0xa2, EPMapEntriesNum=4, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:45 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:45 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x21, unk2=0xEF, EPMapOffset=0xa2, EPMapEntriesNum=4, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:45 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:52 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0897C4D8 by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:52 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0xa2, EPMapEntriesNum=4, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:52 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:52 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0xa2, EPMapEntriesNum=4, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:52 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:53 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x21, unk2=0xEF, EPMapOffset=0xa2, EPMapEntriesNum=4, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:53 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:53 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x21, unk2=0xEF, EPMapOffset=0xa2, EPMapEntriesNum=4, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:53 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:54 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapEntriesNum=0, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:54 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:54 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapEntriesNum=0, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:54 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:55 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x21, unk2=0x38, EPMapOffset=0xa2, EPMapEntriesNum=77, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:55 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:55 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x21, unk2=0x38, EPMapOffset=0xa2, EPMapEntriesNum=77, videoWidth=480, videoHeight=272 15:49:55 INFO hle.scePsmf - SofdecThread - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 15:49:55 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0893BE14 by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:57 INFO compiler - CRI Server Manager - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08985ACC by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:58 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Server Manager - sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder atID=0x0, paramsAddr=0x09FBC890 15:49:58 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x0963C000, readSize=0x508, bufferSize=0x460, fileSize=0x5DE948 15:49:58 INFO hle - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 15:49:59 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08818604 by Native Code 'nop' 15:49:59 INFO compiler - CRI Server Manager - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0899C700 by Native Code 'nop' 15:50:02 INFO compiler - CRI Server Manager - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089893B0 by Native Code 'nop' 15:50:02 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089DA840 by Native Code 'nop' 15:50:03 INFO compiler - CRI Server Manager - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08986204 by Native Code 'nop' 15:50:03 INFO compiler - CRI Server Manager - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089806A0 by Native Code 'nop' 15:50:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_88DDCE4 (1329/1000) 15:50:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_88DC7E8 (1202/1000) 15:50:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_8901ABC (1339/1000) 15:50:06 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089E8510 by Native Code 'strcat' 15:50:06 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_8902FA8 (1120/1000) 15:50:15 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Server Manager - sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder atID=0x0, paramsAddr=0x09FBC890 15:50:15 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x0965C000, readSize=0x508, bufferSize=0x460, fileSize=0x2FC4C8 15:50:20 INFO hle - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 15:50:25 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Server Manager - sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder atID=0x0, paramsAddr=0x09FBC890 15:50:25 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x0975C000, readSize=0x508, bufferSize=0x460, fileSize=0x369AC8 15:50:25 INFO hle - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 15:50:41 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Server Manager - sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder atID=0x0, paramsAddr=0x09FBC890 15:50:41 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x09744000, readSize=0x508, bufferSize=0x460, fileSize=0x55E9C8 15:50:50 INFO hle - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 15:50:56 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Server Manager - sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder atID=0x0, paramsAddr=0x09FBC890 15:50:56 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - hleAtracSetData atID=0x0, buffer=0x0964C000, readSize=0x508, bufferSize=0x460, fileSize=0x369AC8 15:51:08 INFO hle - CRI Atom Atrac Decode - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 15:51:26 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit ----------------------------- 15:51:26 WARN emu - user_main - Attempt to use unknown SceUID (purpose='ThreadMan-thread')