22:45:26 INFO emu - GUI - Java version: 1.7.0_09 (1.7.0_09-b05) 22:45:26 INFO emu - GUI - Java library path: lib/windows-x86 22:45:26 INFO emu - GUI - Jpcsp v0.6 2903:2956 22:45:26 INFO emu - GUI - UMD param.sfo : BOOTABLE = 1 CATEGORY = UG DISC_ID = ULJS00209 DISC_NUMBER = 1 DISC_TOTAL = 1 DISC_VERSION = 1.02 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 1 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 5.55 REGION = 32768 TITLE = TALES OF VS. probably homebrew? false 22:45:26 INFO emu - GUI - File 'EBOOT.OLD' not found in directory. 22:45:26 INFO compiler - GUI - Compiler MethodMaxInstructions: 3000 22:45:27 WARN loader - GUI - Encrypted file detected! (~PSP) 22:45:27 INFO loader - GUI - Calling crypto engine for PRX. 22:45:28 INFO loader - GUI - Found ModuleInfo name:'tod' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:08a6fa60 22:45:28 INFO loader - GUI - Found 257 unresolved imports 22:45:28 INFO loader - GUI - 257 NIDS mapped 22:45:28 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - Audio threads disabled: false 22:45:28 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Saving GE to Textures 22:45:28 INFO ge - GUI - Only GE Graphics: false 22:45:28 INFO ge - GUI - Save Stencil To Memory: false 22:45:28 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio ChReserve disabled: false 22:45:28 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio Blocking disabled: false 22:45:28 INFO hle.sceMpeg - GUI - Media Engine enabled 22:45:28 INFO hle - GUI - Using the external audio decoder (SonicStage) 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'jpn0.pgf'. Font='Sazanami Gothic' Type='Gothic-Regular' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn0.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn1.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn2.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn3.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn4.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn5.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn6.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn7.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn8.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn9.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn10.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn11.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn12.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn13.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn14.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn15.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 22:45:29 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'kr0.pgf'. Font='UnDotum' Type='Regular' 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Using the following settings: 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Region 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Language [¤é¥»»y] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Button preference: ["O" for "Enter"] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Daylight savings: [Off] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Time zone offset in minutes (GMT+/-): [0] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Time format: [24H] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Date format: [YYYY-MM-DD] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - WLAN power saving mode: [Off] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Ad hoc channel: [Auto] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Nickname: [] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Video 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable VBO (automatically disabled if not supported) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Only GE graphics (not recommended for homebrew) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use vertex cache 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use shaders 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable UBO (automatically disabled if not supported, only relevant when using shaders) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable VAO (only relevant when using shaders and vertex cache) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders, recommended for AMD/ATI) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Stencil Test" (more accurate but slower) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Color Mask" (more accurate but slower) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable optimized VertexInfo reading (may improve compatibility) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Save Stencil to Memory (more accurate but slower) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use Software Rendering (very experimental, not yet complete, slow) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Audio 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio threads 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio channels (not recommended) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio blocking 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Memory 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore unmapped imports (not recommended) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Media 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use Media Engine 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract media files to tmp folder 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Decode audio files with SonicStage (must be installed separately and requires Media Engine) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use debug font (disable flash0 fonts) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Compiler 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use compiler (dynarec) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Output profiler info to profiler.txt (only for compiler) 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [3000] Maximum method size 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Crypto 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract decrypted EBOOT.BIN files to the TMP folder 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Handle SAVEDATA in crypto mode 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract original PGD files to the TMP folder 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Display 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Anti-aliasing: [OFF] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - Resolution: [Native] 22:45:29 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Start JPCSP in Full-Screen Exclusive Mode in the following runs 22:45:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - GUI - pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/ 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl31 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using VBO 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - OpenGL version: 4.3.0 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Shading Language version: 4.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS: 0x0 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK: 0x0 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using shaders with Skinning 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using dynamic shaders 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader for SPRITES 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using Uniform Buffer Object (UBO) 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using Native Color Lookup Tables (CLUT) 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using shaders with Skinning 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using dynamic shaders 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader for SPRITES 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using Uniform Buffer Object (UBO) 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using Native Color Lookup Tables (CLUT) 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:29 INFO ge - GUI - Using Async Vertex Cache 22:45:31 INFO runtime - Emu - Using Compiler 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0881F8C0 by Native Code 'strlen' 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0881C1EC by Native Code 'memset' 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088044C4 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:31 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=0 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0880FCB4 by Native Code 'sceGuTexLevelMode' 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0880F7D0 by Native Code 'sceGuCopyImage' 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0882EC9C-0x0882ECA8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08810D6C by Native Code 'sceGuMaterial' 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088103C0 by Native Code 'sceGuSetMatrix' 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880F688-0x0880F754 by Native Code 'sceGuDrawArray' 22:45:31 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=12 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0881BE0C by Native Code 'memcpy' 22:45:31 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/tod.fat.mgz flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:31 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882EB0C by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882871C by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08828714 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0300) PSP_MODULE_AV_AVCODEC loaded 22:45:32 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0301) PSP_MODULE_AV_SASCORE loaded 22:45:32 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0302) PSP_MODULE_AV_ATRAC3PLUS loaded 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0881F7CC by Native Code 'strcmp' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08825A14 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088265C0 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08836638 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/sce_lbn0x428ee_size0x5450') HLE module libfont loaded 22:45:32 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule HLE module 'libfont' 22:45:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4277a_size0xd60 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0881BE0C-0x0881BF2C by Native Code 'memcpy' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0881C1EC-0x0881C2C0 by Native Code 'memset' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08826BD8 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0887B73C-0x0887B748 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0880A418 by Native Code 'memcpy' 22:45:32 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=10 22:45:32 INFO hle.scePower - user_main - scePowerRegisterCallback slot=0x0, uid=0x28 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08826BD0 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08826BC8 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0882813C by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08836920 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 22:45:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42758_size0x108c0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:32 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=10 22:45:32 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:32 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0881C1EC-0x0881C2C0 by Native Code 'memset' 22:45:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4277c_size0x8aa0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42817_size0x444 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0887AEFC by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42818_size0x4d9c flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42822_size0x65ed8 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:32 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088BF624-0x088BF640 by Native Code 'memcpySequence' 22:45:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x428f9_size0x51908 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4299d_size0x12db flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42ab4_size0x5cce0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:33 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880A418-0x0880A72C by Native Code 'memcpy' 22:45:33 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880A418-0x0880A72C by Native Code 'memcpy' 22:45:33 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x08A9C664-0x08A9CC64: Address 0x08A9C664, mode=8(SIZES), gameName=ULJS00209, saveName=SYSTEM, fileName=DATA.BIN, secureVersion=0 22:45:33 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088D0534 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x429a0_size0x89a3c flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:34 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x08A9C664-0x08A9CC64: Address 0x08A9C664, mode=0(AUTOLOAD), gameName=ULJS00209, saveName=SYSTEM, fileName=DATA.BIN, secureVersion=0 22:45:34 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_4444|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=8 22:45:34 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0894E678 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:34 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=6 22:45:34 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42b6e_size0x106a0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:34 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_4444|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=8 22:45:34 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:34 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42b8f_size0x106a0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:35 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42bb0_size0x106a0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:37 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0303) PSP_MODULE_AV_MPEGBASE loaded 22:45:37 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/sce_lbn0x42bd1_size0x1a90') HLE module scePsmf_library loaded 22:45:37 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule HLE module 'scePsmf_library' 22:45:37 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - hleKernelLoadModule(path='libpsmfplayer.prx') HLE module libpsmfplayer loaded 22:45:37 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule HLE module 'libpsmfplayer' 22:45:37 INFO hle.sceMpeg - user_main - sceMpegInit 22:45:37 INFO hle.scePsmfPlayer - user_main - PSMF Player Data: displayBuffer=0x095083B0, displayBufferSize=0x300000, playbackThreadPriority=34 22:45:38 INFO hle.scePsmfPlayer - user_main - 'disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/MOVIE/tovs_op.pmf' PSMF file loaded. 22:45:38 INFO hle.scePsmfPlayer - user_main - Found play info data: videoCodec=0xE, videoStreamNum=0, audioCodec=0x1, audioStreamNum=0, playMode=0, playSpeed=1 22:45:38 INFO me - user_main - Using external audio 'tmp\ULJS00209\Mpeg-13828096\ExtAudio.wav' 22:45:38 INFO compiler - displayThread - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0880FD7C by Native Code 'sceGuTexImage' 22:45:38 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:45:38 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:45:39 INFO hle.sceMpeg - user_main - sceMpegFinish 22:45:39 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=12 22:45:39 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - sceKernelStopModule uid=0x4F, argSize=0x0, argp=0x00000000, statusAddr=0x00000000, optionAddr=0x00000000 22:45:39 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - IGNORING:sceKernelStopModule HLE module 'libpsmfplayer' 22:45:39 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - sceKernelUnloadModule uid=0x4F 22:45:39 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - sceKernelStopModule uid=0x4E, argSize=0x0, argp=0x00000000, statusAddr=0x00000000, optionAddr=0x00000000 22:45:39 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - IGNORING:sceKernelStopModule HLE module 'scePsmf_library' 22:45:39 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - sceKernelUnloadModule uid=0x4E 22:45:39 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityUnloadModule(module=0x0303) PSP_MODULE_AV_MPEGBASE unloaded 22:45:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089F5330 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:39 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=6 22:45:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x44669_size0x1a00 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4466d_size0x326e0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x446d2_size0x2160 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x446d7_size0x13e0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x446da_size0x6de64 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:40 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A074FC by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:40 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x447b6_size0x1b4818 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:45:40 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09AB4200, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x1B4818 22:45:40 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:45:40 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08849434 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:40 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08836478 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:40 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088484FC-0x08848508 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:40 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:40 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088AE3C8 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:40 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088ADF18 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:40 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=6 22:45:40 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=10 22:45:40 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:42 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880A290-0x0880A2A8 by Native Code 'Color.float2int' 22:45:42 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0880FD0C by Native Code 'sceGuTexMapMode' 22:45:42 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_NORMAL_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=36 22:45:42 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:44 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x44b20_size0x29980 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088C3DBC by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x44b74_size0x3145c4 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:45:44 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09AB4200, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x3145C4 22:45:44 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088C1C2C-0x088C1C38 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088C1CBC-0x088C1CC8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088C1E2C-0x088C1E38 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088C2148-0x088C2154 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088C21BC-0x088C21C8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088C21D8-0x088C21E4 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088C2204-0x088C2210 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088C1140-0x088C114C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088C1968-0x088C1974 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:44 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3abb6_size0x6cc42 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46ecf_size0x11a80 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 1 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x385a2_size0xd0904 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:45:45 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 1 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09A7F940, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0xD0904 22:45:45 INFO hle - ATRAC3 1 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:45:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0xde9a_size0x16640 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:45 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:45:46 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3a8d8_size0x6ecd0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:45:46 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088A362C by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:46 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088A3614 by Native Code 'nop' 22:45:46 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088A5D48-0x088A5D54 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:45:46 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:45:46 INFO ge - Async Vertex Cache Thread - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:45:47 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0977BAB0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x85E4 22:45:47 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:45:50 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097840A0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x11924 22:45:50 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:45:52 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097959D0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xB39C 22:45:52 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:45:54 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097A0D70, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x26E4 22:45:54 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:45:55 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097A3460, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x984C 22:45:55 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:45:57 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097ACCB0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xA55C 22:45:57 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:45:58 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097B7210, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x129C4 22:45:58 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:00 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097C9BE0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xBE4C 22:46:00 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:02 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097D5A30, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x666C 22:46:02 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:04 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097DC0A0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xD314 22:46:04 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:06 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097E93C0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x6964 22:46:06 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:09 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x44b20_size0x29980 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:09 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4676b_size0x947a0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:09 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46894_size0x36 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:09 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A215F0 by Native Code 'nop' 22:46:10 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x44b74_size0x3145c4 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:46:10 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09AB4200, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x3145C4 22:46:10 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:46:10 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULJS00209SCENARIO00/DATA.BIN flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:46:11 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3abb6_size0x6cc42 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:11 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 1 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x385a2_size0xd0904 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:46:11 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 1 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09A7F940, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0xD0904 22:46:11 INFO hle - ATRAC3 1 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:46:11 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3a7d9_size0x7f1c1 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:13 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09784DA0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xE744 22:46:13 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:14 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097934F0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xD4DC 22:46:14 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:16 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097A09D0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x139CC 22:46:16 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:18 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097B43A0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x119BC 22:46:18 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:20 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097C5D60, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x13D5C 22:46:20 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:21 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097D9AC0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xBEE4 22:46:21 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:23 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097E59B0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x14B9C 22:46:23 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:24 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x097FA550, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xDE5C 22:46:24 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4676b_size0x947a0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x40337_size0x13c53 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3aeda_size0x2296 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3afd1_size0x5b2 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x25c72_size0x1cd0b4 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:46:27 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09AB4200, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x1CD0B4 22:46:27 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:46:27 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088C3DC4 by Native Code 'nop' 22:46:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0xe058_size0x1c900 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:27 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088261A4 by Native Code 'nop' 22:46:27 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089583F4 by Native Code 'nop' 22:46:27 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088D02E0 by Native Code 'nop' 22:46:28 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089577C0 by Native Code 'nop' 22:46:29 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088BB45C-0x088BB468 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:46:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3afec_size0x6a flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x414d4_size0x29460 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3ab83_size0x1222 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x405ad_size0x181a0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3abb6_size0x6cc42 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3ab95_size0x105e4 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3aec2_size0x8c3 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x23e5e_size0x1a3c98 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:31 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42324_size0x4697f flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:31 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x41196_size0x29460 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:31 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x41bd6_size0x40bf0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x41617_size0xe7a7 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42226_size0x3420c flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4058c_size0x53a0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0xde3b_size0x2f440 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 1 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x258b3_size0x1df63c flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:46:33 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 1 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09A7F940, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x1DF63C 22:46:33 INFO hle - ATRAC3 1 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:46:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0xde29_size0x8f00 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:46:33 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09567590, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x679C 22:46:33 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:40 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0956DD30, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x6B2C 22:46:40 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:44 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09574860, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x7674 22:46:44 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:45 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0957BEE0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x32C4 22:46:45 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:47 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0957F1B0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xB72C 22:46:47 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:48 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0958A8E0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x679C 22:46:48 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:53 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09591080, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x69FC 22:46:53 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:53 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09597A80, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x45C4 22:46:53 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:56 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0959C050, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x5664 22:46:56 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:57 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 1 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x26d0a_size0xe42e4 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:46:57 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 1 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09A7F940, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0xE42E4 22:46:57 INFO hle - ATRAC3 1 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:46:58 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095A16C0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x12B4 22:46:58 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:46:59 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095A2980, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x510C 22:46:59 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:06 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095A7A90, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x3FD4 22:47:06 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:10 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095ABA70, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x8254 22:47:10 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:15 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095B3CD0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x595C 22:47:15 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:21 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095B9630, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x48BC 22:47:21 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:25 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095BDEF0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x68CC 22:47:25 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:29 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095C47C0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xAEDC 22:47:29 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:36 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095CF6A0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x1644 22:47:36 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:37 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095D0CF0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xC0AC 22:47:37 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 1 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x38219_size0x147e6c flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:47:45 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 1 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09A7F940, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x147E6C 22:47:45 INFO hle - ATRAC3 1 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:47:45 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095DCDA0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x69FC 22:47:45 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:49 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095E37A0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x7CFC 22:47:49 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:53 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095EB4A0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x3FD4 22:47:53 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:56 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095EF480, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x2BA4 22:47:56 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:47:58 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095F2030, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xBF7C 22:47:58 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:05 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x095FDFB0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x9E3C 22:48:05 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:11 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09607DF0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x59F4 22:48:11 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:15 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0960D7F0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x48BC 22:48:15 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:18 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096120B0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x95EC 22:48:18 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:24 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0961B6A0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x640C 22:48:24 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:28 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09621AB0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x43FC 22:48:28 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:31 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09625EB0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x9C74 22:48:31 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:38 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x42120_size0x2278c flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:48:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x40a21_size0x29460 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:48:40 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0962FB30, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x478C 22:48:40 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:46 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 1 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x37f46_size0x16952c flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:48:46 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 1 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09A7F940, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x16952C 22:48:46 INFO hle - ATRAC3 1 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:48:46 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096342C0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x3D74 22:48:46 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:48 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09638040, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x4E14 22:48:48 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:51 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0963CE60, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x2944 22:48:51 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:53 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0963F7B0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x51A4 22:48:53 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:56 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09644960, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x2BA4 22:48:56 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:48:58 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09647510, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xAE44 22:48:58 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:05 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09652360, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xC144 22:49:05 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:12 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0965E4B0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x81BC 22:49:12 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:17 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09666670, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x218C 22:49:17 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:18 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09668800, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xB434 22:49:18 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:25 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09673C40, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x8F64 22:49:25 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:31 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0967CBB0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xE744 22:49:31 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:40 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0968B300, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x322C 22:49:40 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:42 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0968E530, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x7E2C 22:49:42 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:46 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09696360, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x5EB4 22:49:46 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:51 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0969C220, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xC994 22:49:51 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:49:59 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096A8BC0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x4EAC 22:49:59 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:02 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096ADA70, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x39E4 22:50:02 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:04 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096B1460, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xA7BC 22:50:04 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:11 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096BBC20, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x8A0C 22:50:11 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:16 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096C4630, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x7E2C 22:50:16 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:18 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 1 - Replaying atrac loop atracID=0, loopStart=367975, loopEnd=4068256 22:50:21 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096CC460, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x8714 22:50:21 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:26 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096D4B80, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x3A7C 22:50:26 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:29 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096D8600, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x52D4 22:50:29 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:32 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x096DD8E0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xC3A4 22:50:32 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:40 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x096E9C90, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x5534 22:50:40 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:43 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x096EF1D0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x84B4 22:50:43 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:48 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x096F7690, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x7544 22:50:48 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:52 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x096FEBE0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x9E3C 22:50:52 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:50:59 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09708A20, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x1CCC 22:50:59 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:51:00 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x0970A6F0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x98E4 22:51:00 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:51:05 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09713FE0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x6FEC 22:51:05 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:51:10 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 1 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x26ff8_size0x18035c flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:51:10 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 1 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09A7F940, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x18035C 22:51:10 INFO hle - ATRAC3 1 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:51:10 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0971AFD0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0xC0AC 22:51:10 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:51:17 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x09727080, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x4C4C 22:51:17 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:51:20 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x0972BCD0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x549C 22:51:20 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:51:23 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089E2C74-0x089E2C80 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0880A418-0x0880A72C by Native Code 'memcpy' 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089AC184-0x089AC190 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46895_size0x22614 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089AD640-0x089AD64C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089BBFF8-0x089BC004 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089BC0EC-0x089BC0F8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089BC1E0-0x089BC1EC by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089BC32C-0x089BC338 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089BC468-0x089BC474 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089BC55C-0x089BC568 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089BC650-0x089BC65C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:26 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46b62_size0x6b6f flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:26 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x469ea_size0x8253 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46adf_size0x7da8 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46954_size0xcbe5 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46bb4_size0x40a0 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46d38_size0x3b680 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:27 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x473f6_size0x4380 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:28 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x47d16_size0x1fa10 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:51:28 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09AB4200, readSize=0x1FA10, bufferSize=0x1FA10, fileSize=0x1FA10 22:51:28 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:51:28 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x47c44_size0x1e80 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:28 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4762d_size0x1a00 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:28 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x475f7_size0xe400 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:28 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x475f0_size0x1e80 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x475ee_size0xb00 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x475de_size0x3c00 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x475be_size0x3500 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x475af_size0x4180 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:29 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x479f6_size0x6a80 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:30 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x47c3b_size0x1f00 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:30 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x47627_size0x2a00 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:30 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x47bdd_size0x7700 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:30 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x47bf2_size0x7a80 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:30 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4278e_size0x44771 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:31 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x3ae90_size0x9d9f flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:31 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4d6d0_size0x5578e flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x49e36_size0x654d7 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x4c6aa_size0x49884 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x552e8_size0x7ca40 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x50e92_size0x65880 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x53939_size0x4ab40 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:34 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x5510b_size0x41e77 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:34 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x50d70_size0x380bb flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:34 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A0248C-0x08A02498 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:34 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A02768-0x08A02774 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:34 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A02A34-0x08A02A40 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:34 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A02D48-0x08A02D54 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:34 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x53816_size0x41588 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:35 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x55b8b_size0xa57580 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:35 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x55b8b_size0xa57580 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:36 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x55b8b_size0xa57580 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:36 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x53aa9_size0x41080 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:36 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:51:36 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_NORMAL_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=32 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:51:36 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:51:36 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A0200C by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:36 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:37 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 WARN ge - GUI - UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xBFBFBF) and DFIX (0x3F3F3F) are not supported (blend equation=0), approximating with 0xBFBFBF/0x404040 22:51:38 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0886C1DC by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:38 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0883FD1C by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:38 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08844E74 by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:38 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0883D3C0 by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:38 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089DE940-0x089DE94C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:38 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0883A72C-0x0883A738 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:38 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088BB588-0x088BB594 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088312CC by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0883ED38-0x0883ED44 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0883E9B4-0x0883E9D0 by Native Code 'memcpySequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0883E69C-0x0883E6B8 by Native Code 'memcpySequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08863404-0x08863420 by Native Code 'memcpySequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0883EDD8 by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0886FC3C by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08870C6C by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0883D3C8 by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08A21934-0x08A21940 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x572ec_size0x12bbf4 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:51:39 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09AB4200, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x12BBF4 22:51:39 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0886C1C4 by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x5703a_size0x64080 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_COLOR_4444|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=12 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_NORMAL_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08869634-0x08869640 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08869698-0x088696A4 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0886977C-0x08869788 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08869798-0x088697A4 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08869858-0x08869864 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088724A0-0x088724AC by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08872678-0x08872684 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08872048-0x08872054 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08872150-0x0887215C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088721DC-0x088721E8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_COLOR_4444|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(6)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(1)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(5)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088687F4-0x08868800 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08868830-0x0886883C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08868884-0x08868890 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088688A0-0x088688AC by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088688BC-0x088688C8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088688D8-0x088688E4 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08868CE4-0x08868CF0 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08868D20-0x08868D2C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08868D5C-0x08868D68 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08868D98-0x08868DA4 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(4)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(7)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(2)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=16 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(6)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(1)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(5)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=28 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(4)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(7)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(2)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=28 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_NORMAL_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=24 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=14 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(8)|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 22:51:39 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:51:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x57103_size0x29980 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:40 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x550f2_size0xc51d flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:40 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x50d68_size0x3cdb flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:40 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A020D8 by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:40 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x53800_size0xab33 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:51:40 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 1 - hleAtracSetData atracID=1, buffer=0x08AB01C0, readSize=0x100000, bufferSize=0x100000, fileSize=0x2E04 22:51:40 INFO hle - ATRAC3 1 - Decodable AT3 data detected. 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08832FCC-0x08832FD8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08832FE8-0x08832FF4 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0889FE24 by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08972BF8-0x08972C04 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08968B28-0x08968B34 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08968C84-0x08968C90 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08968EBC-0x08968EC8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08969144-0x08969150 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089693D0-0x089693DC by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089698B8-0x089698C4 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089C74C4 by Native Code 'nop' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08867D6C-0x08867D78 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0884AA14-0x0884AA20 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x0884AA50-0x0884AA5C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:43 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=10 22:51:43 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:51:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08857658-0x08857674 by Native Code 'memcpySequence' 22:51:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08870904-0x08870920 by Native Code 'memcpySequence' 22:51:44 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=10 22:51:45 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:51:46 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08970EF0-0x08970EFC by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:46 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:51:47 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_8A2767C (3325/3000) 22:51:47 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:51:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x088B71C8-0x088B71E4 by Native Code 'memcpySequence' 22:51:49 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:51:49 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:51:59 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08867B08-0x08867B14 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:51:59 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=10 22:52:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:02 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:06 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:06 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:06 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:06 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08973330-0x0897333C by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:52:07 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:09 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:18 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:18 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:19 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:21 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:21 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:28 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:30 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:33 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:33 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:34 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:34 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:41 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:47 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_8BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(1)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=9 22:52:49 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:49 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:49 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:53 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:53 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:54 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:54 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:54 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:54 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:54 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:54 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:54 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_WEIGHT_8BIT|GU_WEIGHTS(1)|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=12 22:52:55 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:55 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:52:55 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - Replaying atrac loop atracID=0, loopStart=185573, loopEnd=3354025 22:52:55 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08845DF8 by Native Code 'nop' 22:52:55 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08832740 by Native Code 'nop' 22:53:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:06 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:06 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:09 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_NORMAL_8BIT|GU_VERTEX_8BIT|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=10 22:53:20 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:20 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:22 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:23 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:23 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:23 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:23 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:26 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:35 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:45 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:45 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:51 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:52 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:52 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:53:58 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:00 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:07 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - Replaying atrac loop atracID=0, loopStart=185573, loopEnd=3354025 22:54:31 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:38 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:38 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:38 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:41 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:41 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:41 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:41 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:42 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:42 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:42 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:44 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:44 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:44 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:44 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:46 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:46 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:46 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:47 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:47 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:47 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:48 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:52 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:52 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:56 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:57 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:54:57 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:00 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:00 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:00 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:03 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:03 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:04 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:04 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:04 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:06 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:08 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:08 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:17 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:19 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:55:19 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - Replaying atrac loop atracID=0, loopStart=185573, loopEnd=3354025 22:55:19 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:30 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:31 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - Replaying atrac loop atracID=0, loopStart=185573, loopEnd=3354025 22:56:31 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:32 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:35 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:38 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:38 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:39 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:39 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:40 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:40 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:40 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:40 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:56:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08880C98-0x08880CA4 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:56:44 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08880CBC-0x08880CC8 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence' 22:56:45 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:56:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x5bf33_size0x84d1c flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:56:45 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09AB4200, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0x84D1C 22:57:00 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:57:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:57:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:57:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:57:01 WARN ge - GUI - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time 22:57:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088458A0 by Native Code 'nop' 22:57:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0884F3BC by Native Code 'nop' 22:57:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08835628 by Native Code 'nop' 22:57:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08835630 by Native Code 'nop' 22:57:05 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x429a0_size0x89a3c flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:57:06 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:57:06 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x426fb_size0x29460 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:57:07 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46c15_size0xa460 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:57:07 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x46be1_size0xf480 flags = 1 permissions = 0444 22:57:07 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - ATRAC3 0 - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x57157_size0xca634 flags = 1 permissions = 00 22:57:07 INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - ATRAC3 0 - hleAtracSetData atracID=0, buffer=0x09AB4200, readSize=0x20000, bufferSize=0x20000, fileSize=0xCA634 22:57:08 INFO hle - ATRAC3 0 - AT3+ data decoded by the external decoder. 22:57:08 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:57:08 INFO ge - GUI - Using Geometry Shader shader-150.geom 22:57:17 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit -----------------------------